<p>The statement that 2 million insulation measures were installed in the year to June 2012 is based on DECC's statistics publication ‘Estimates of home insulation levels in Great Britain’<Sup>1</Sup>. The 2 million insulation measuresdelivered are made up of 1.4 million installations of loft insulation,0.6 million installations of cavity wall insulation and 33,000installations of solid wall insulation between 1 July 2011 and 30 June2012. These figures cover retro-fit insulation measures deliveredthrough Government schemes only, and therefore exclude insulationmeasures installed in properties built during thisperiod.</p><p>This publication can be accessed from the following link:</p><p>http://www.decc.gov.uk/en/content/cms/statistics/energy_stats/en_effic_stats/home_ins_est/home_ins_est.aspx</p>