<p>Historic England, National Heritage Memorial Fund and Heritage Lottery Fund funded National Trust through the following competitive exchequer and lottery funded grants across the period requested:</p><p>FY 19/20 – £4,205,285 across three schemes</p><p>FY 20/21 - £10,978,779 across seven schemes</p><p>FY 21/22 - £6,873,014 across seven schemes</p><p>FY 22/23 – £1,142,516 across two schemes</p><p>FY 23/24 - £505,186 across three schemes (Note this is YTD and does not include schemes that may come into the pipeline before FY close).</p><p>FY’s 20-22 show an increase in funding schemes due to specialist COVID 19 interventions.</p><p>No direct funding was made by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport Core.</p><p> </p> |