Subject Predicate Object
Written answer
answer has question
answer has answering person
Gregory Barker
answer text
<p>The Department of Energy and Climate Change's grant funded programmes are listed as follows. Where the grant is awarded in Scotland this is indicated:</p><p>(a) Department</p><p>Warm Front</p><p>Renewable Heat Premium Payment (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Energy Efficiency Loan Schemes</p><p>Green Deal Incentive Scheme</p><p>Core Cities Grants</p><p>Pioneer Places Grants</p><p>Low Carbon Pioneer Cities</p><p>Marine Energy Array Demonstrator Scheme (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Carbon Capture and Storage Innovation Programme (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Offshore Wind Component Technologies and Demonstration Scheme (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Energy Entrepreneurs Fund Scheme (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Energy Storage Component Research and Feasibility Study Scheme (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Bio-energy Demonstrators of the European Industry Bio-energy Initiative (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Offshore Wind Accelerator (operated by Carbon Trust) (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Polymer Fuel Cells (operated by Carbon Trust) (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Entrepreneurs Fast Track (operated by Carbon Trust) (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Low Carbon Network Fund (operated by Ofgem) (awards in Scotland)</p><p>UK Global Threat Reduction Programme</p><p>Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP)</p><p>(b) NDPBs</p><p>Nuclear Decommissioning Agency:</p><p>Beyond Chapelcross Workforce Transition Project (CWTP) (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Caithness and North Sunderland Fund (CNSF)</p>
answer given date
answer has answering body
Department of Energy and Climate Change
written answer has answering body
Department of Energy and Climate Change
Department of Energy and Climate Change
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Gregory Barker
answering person has answer