<p>The Department of Energy and Climate Change's grant funded programmes are listed as follows. Where the grant is awarded in Scotland this is indicated:</p><p>(a) Department</p><p>Warm Front</p><p>Renewable Heat Premium Payment (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Energy Efficiency Loan Schemes</p><p>Green Deal Incentive Scheme</p><p>Core Cities Grants</p><p>Pioneer Places Grants</p><p>Low Carbon Pioneer Cities</p><p>Marine Energy Array Demonstrator Scheme (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Carbon Capture and Storage Innovation Programme (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Offshore Wind Component Technologies and Demonstration Scheme (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Energy Entrepreneurs Fund Scheme (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Energy Storage Component Research and Feasibility Study Scheme (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Bio-energy Demonstrators of the European Industry Bio-energy Initiative (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Offshore Wind Accelerator (operated by Carbon Trust) (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Polymer Fuel Cells (operated by Carbon Trust) (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Entrepreneurs Fast Track (operated by Carbon Trust) (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Low Carbon Network Fund (operated by Ofgem) (awards in Scotland)</p><p>UK Global Threat Reduction Programme</p><p>Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP)</p><p>(b) NDPBs</p><p>Nuclear Decommissioning Agency:</p><p>Beyond Chapelcross Workforce Transition Project (CWTP) (awards in Scotland)</p><p>Caithness and North Sunderland Fund (CNSF)</p>