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Grant Shapps
answer text
<p>In Financial Year 2013 to 2014 DFID spent £93.3million on providing clean water and £34.8million on sanitation projects. In that year DFID also spent £39.8million on health education which includes promotion of improved hygiene practices. The source for these figures is the publication Statistics on International Development 2013 2014. The tables in that publication are not able to provide a figure for spending on women’s sanitary projects. However, we have a number of programmes globally. DFID is supporting a number of initiatives to address menstrual hygiene management. For example, in our education portfolio we support programmes that are improving the availability of disposable sanitary pads. DFID has also supported an extensive menstrual hygiene management research programme which resulted in a comprehensive manual and training pack.</p><p> </p><p>This includes the CAMFED Secondary Education Programme in Zimbabwe that is helping to ensure 24,000 orphaned and vulnerable girls complete secondary school. Through the Girls’ Education Challenge programme, DFID is providing £10million to World Vision in Zimbabwe to implement the Improving Girls’ Access to Transformational Education programme which aims to support 95,000 rural girls. In the rural zone of Wolaita in Ethiopia, DFID is working with an NGO called ‘Link Community Development’ to provide sanitary pads and upgrade sanitation facilities for 56,683 marginalised girls.</p>
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Department for International Development
written answer has answering body
Department for International Development
Department for International Development
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Grant Shapps
answering person has answer