<p>Our financial assistance to the Palestinian Authority (PA) is provided through the World Bank Palestinian Reform arid Development Plan Trust Fund which carries out close monitoring of PA expenditure and only transfers UK money to the PA during the year if an agreed reform plan is on track. The PA also publishes information on its expenditure which we monitor and its public financial management systems have been commended by the International Monetary Fund. Our development assistance to the PA is governed by a Memorandum of Understanding which reaffirms the PA's commitment to non-violence and a negotiated solution to the conflict, and we regularly review progress against these commitments with the PA.</p><p>We take extensive precautions to ensure that UK support conforms with European Union and UK legislation on terrorist financing. UK aid in the Occupied Palestinian Territories is subject to rigorous scrutiny, with robust safeguards in place to ensure that our funds do not benefit terrorist groups, and ensure that our partners do the same. We are rigorous in investigating concerns related to our funding. In addition to our own investigations, we draw on independent reports from neutral groups where these are available.</p>