The information requested falls within the responsibility of the UK Statistics Authority. I have asked the authority to reply.Letter from Karen Dunnell, July 2009:"As National Statistician, I have been asked to reply to your recent question asking how many deaths in which alcohol was an underlying cause were recorded in each health trust within the Ceremonial County of Hampshire in each of the last five years. (287764)""The table attached provides the number of deaths with an alcohol-related underlying cause in Hampshire, Portsmouth City Teaching and Southampton City primary care organisations, from 2004 to 2008 (the latest year available). These primary care organisations are located within the area covered by Hampshire county, Portsmouth unitary authority and Southampton unitary authority, which together comprised the County of Hampshire prior to local government reorganisation."<Table width="100%" summary="" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" border="0"><thead><tr><th>Table 1: Number of deaths with an alcohol-related underlying cause¹ in primary care organisations in Hampshire county, Portsmouth unitary authority and Southampton unitary authority², 2004-08³, 4</th></tr></thead><TR><TD>Primary care organisation</TD><TD>2004</TD><TD>2005</TD><TD>2006</TD><TD>2007</TD><TD>2008</TD></TR><TR><TD>Hampshire</TD><TD>118</TD><TD>128</TD><TD>142</TD><TD>100</TD><TD>120</TD></TR><TR><TD>Portsmouth City Teaching</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>31</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>32</TD></TR><TR><TD>Southampton City</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>35</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>32</TD><TD>27</TD></TR><tfoot><TR><td>¹ Cause of death was defined using the International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10). The specific causes of death categorised as alcohol-related, and their corresponding ICD-10 codes, are shown in box 1.</td></TR><TR><td>² Based on boundaries as of 2009.</td></TR><TR><td>³ Figures are for deaths registered in each calendar year.</td></TR><TR><td>4 Figures for 2008 are provisional.</td></TR></tfoot></Table><Table width="100%" summary="" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" border="0"><thead><tr><th>Box 1. Alcohol-related causes of death—International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision (ICD-10)</th></tr></thead><TR><TD>Cause of death</TD><TD>ICD-10 code(s)</TD></TR><TR><TD>Mental and behavioural disorders due to use of alcohol</TD><TD>F10</TD></TR><TR><TD>Degeneration of nervous system due to alcohol</TD><TD>G31.2</TD></TR><TR><TD>Alcoholic polyneuropathy</TD><TD>G62.1</TD></TR><TR><TD>Alcoholic cardiomyopathy</TD><TD>142.6</TD></TR><TR><TD>Alcoholic gastritis</TD><TD>K29.2</TD></TR><TR><TD>Alcoholic liver disease</TD><TD>K70</TD></TR><TR><TD>Chronic hepatitis, not elsewhere classified</TD><TD>K73</TD></TR><TR><TD>Fibrosis and cirrhosis of liver (excl. Biliary cirrhosis)</TD><TD>K74 (excl. K74.3-K74.5)</TD></TR><TR><TD>Alcohol induced chronic pancreatitis</TD><TD>K86.0</TD></TR><TR><TD>Accidental poisoning by and exposure to alcohol</TD><TD>X45</TD></TR><TR><TD>Intentional self-poisoning by and exposure to alcohol</TD><TD>X65</TD></TR><TR><TD>Poisoning by and exposure to alcohol, undetermined intent</TD><TD>YI5</TD></TR></Table> |