<p>The panel of experts who peer reviewed the work were:</p><p>Bridget Rosewell—Volterra</p><p>Chris Nash—ITS Leeds</p><p>David Simmonds—David Simmonds Consultancy</p><p>David Tuck—GENECON</p><p>Paul Buchanan—SKM Colin Buchanan</p><p>Rob Colley—Deloitte</p><p>Roger Vickerman—University of Kent</p><p>Tony Venables—University of Oxford</p><p>(a) One of the members of the panel declared a pre-existing contract with a county council to implement and test an extension to a country wide economic model which assesses the effects of changes outside the local area on the local economy and hence on local land uses and transport systems.</p><p>(b) The cost of the peer review was £13,858 inclusive of VAT.</p>