Subject Predicate Object
Written answer
answer has question
answer has answering person
Edward John Comport Argar
answer text
<p>Please see attached annex for data table contain information on how many hours of community service were not carried out in each local justice area and region in England and Wales since 2010.</p><p>Owing to data migration issues following the move to a single National Recording Platform, with Transforming Rehabilitation in 2014 and subsequent changes to Probation Delivery boundaries, it is less possible to accurately map older locations to the current Probation Regions.</p><p>The dataset covers reasons hours are not carried out including offender deaths, deportation, orders revoked, and resentenced, successful appeals and Suspended Sentence Order (SSO) activated.</p><p>This Government has announced up to £93million additional investment in Unpaid Work over the next three years. The funding is being used to recruit an additional ~500 Unpaid Work staff so that we can ramp up delivery to address the Covid backlog and effectively manage oncoming orders.</p><p>This investment gives Probation a vital opportunity to relaunch Unpaid Work and make sure that placements are visible and robust, and put UPW delivery on a sustainable footing following disruption caused by the pandemic.</p>
answer given date
answer has answering body
Ministry of Justice
written answer has answering body
Ministry of Justice
Ministry of Justice
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Edward John Comport Argar
answering person has answer