<p>The information requested falls within the responsibility of the UK Statistics Authority. I have asked the authority to reply.</p><p>Letter from Glen Watson, dated October 2013:</p><p>As Director General for the Office for National Statistics (ONS), I have been asked to reply to your Parliamentary Question asking for the number of people in part-time work who are seeking full-time employment in each parliamentary constituency. (171812)</p><p>Employment statistics for local areas are calculated from the Annual Population Survey (APS). Unfortunately, due to small sample sizes, the requested estimates are not available for parliamentary constituencies.</p><p>While not available for parliamentary constituencies, information is available for the UK in Table 3 of the latest Labour Market Statistical Bulletin at:</p><p>http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/lms/labour-market-statistics/october-2013/statistical-bulletin.html</p><p>and for each of the regions and countries of Great Britain in Table 3 of each region's Headline Indicators reference tables in the latest Regional Labour Market Statistical Bulletin at:</p><p>http://www.ons.gov.uk/ons/rel/subnational-labour/regional-labour-market-statistics/october-2013/stb-regional-labour-market-october2013.html</p><p>National and local area estimates for many labour market statistics, including employment, unemployment and claimant count are available on the NOMIS website at:</p><p>http://www.nomisweb.co.uk</p> |