To ask the Secretary of State for Health, what representations he has received regarding possible dangers to sight that may be caused by the August solar eclipse; if he will publish details on how Government information regarding eclipse safety can be accessed on the Internet; what consultations he has had with (a) broadcasters and (b) newspapers regarding publicising the dangers to ocular health of the solar eclipse; what discussions he has had with the Department for Education and Employment regarding informing pupils of the dangers of the August solar eclipse before the end of the school year; what advice he has issued to family doctors and other Health Service personnel regarding the treatment of injuries caused as a result of the solar eclipse; what advice he is planning to issue to parents regarding the dangers of the solar eclipse; what plans he has to encourage the use of indirect pinhole projectors by children wishing to observe the solar eclipse; what advice he intends to issue regarding the safety of solar viewers whose safety has not been authorised by optical bodies; what plans he has to advise users about the safety of solar filters or spectacles; what plans he has to warn people about the dangers of viewing the solar eclipse through binocular projection; what public advertising campaigns he intends to commission on the dangers of the solar eclipse; what advice he has been given regarding damage to the retina caused by the solar eclipse; and what plans he has to publicise the fact that retina damage occurs in a painless manner. - Includes ref to leaflet 'Observing Solar Eclipses - Taking care of your sight', and College of Optometrists website: