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John Henry Hayes
answer text
[holding answer 16 April 2012]: I am placing in the Libraries of the House data which show the number of learners aged 24+ participating on Level 3 and above further education courses in England by local authority in 2010/11.The following table shows the number and proportion of learners aged 24+ participating on Level 3 and above further education courses in England by provider type in 2010/11.2010/11 is the latest year for which final data are available.<Table width="100%" summary="" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" border="0"><thead><tr><th>Adult (aged 24+) participation on Level 3 and above further education courses by provider type, 2010/11</th></tr></thead><TR><TD>Provider type</TD><TD>Participation on Level 3 or above courses</TD></TR><TR><TD></TD><TD>Number</TD><TD>Percentage</TD></TR><TR><TD>General FE college including tertiary</TD><TD>207,870</TD><TD>55</TD></TR><TR><TD>Sixth form college</TD><TD>4,230</TD><TD>1</TD></TR><TR><TD>Special colleges</TD><TD>11,190</TD><TD>3</TD></TR><TR><TD>Other public funded</TD><TD>28,730</TD><TD>8</TD></TR><TR><TD>Schools</TD><TD>460</TD><TD>—</TD></TR><TR><TD>Private sector public funded</TD><TD>124,430</TD><TD>33</TD></TR><TR><TD>Total</TD><TD>376,900</TD><TD>100</TD></TR><tfoot><TR><td>Notes:</td></TR><TR><td>1. Information in this table is based on all Government-funded learners.</td></TR><TR><td>2. These data include education and training, apprenticeships, workplace learning and community learning provision.</td></TR><TR><td>3. All figures are rounded to the nearest 10 except the total which is rounded to the nearest 100. Figures may not sum due to rounding.</td></TR><TR><td>4. '—' indicates a percentage of less than 0.5%.</td></TR><TR><td>5. Age is based on age at the start of the academic year. Learners with an unknown age have been included.</td></TR><TR><td>6. Special colleges include agriculture and horticulture colleges; art, design and performing arts colleges and specialist designated college.</td></TR><TR><td>7. Other public funded includes central Government Department, central Government NDPB, public corporations and trading funds, local education authority (LEA), social services, other local authority, police authority, fire authority, local authority department, local authority, NHS-English foundation trust, NHS-English non-foundation trust, NHS-other organisations, independent school or college, UFI directly funded hub, dance and drama school, external institution, higher education organisation, school sixth form (not college), special learning needs establishment, other public organisation, charitable, non-charitable, other voluntary organisation, LSC region, special college, academy.</td></TR><TR><td>8. Private sector public funded includes community interest company, company incorporated by royal charter (England/Wales), employer association, independent association, industrial/provident (England/Wales), limited liability partnership, limited partnership, PRI/LBG/NSC/S.30, PRI/LTD BY GUAR/NSC, private limited company, private unlimited company, public limited company, sole trader, trade union, chamber of commerce/trade, organisation in business in its own right, other private organisation, Business Link.</td></TR><TR><td>Source:</td></TR><TR><td>Individualised Learner Record</td></TR></tfoot></Table>Information on the number of learners participating in further education is published in a quarterly Statistical First Release (SFR). The latest SFR was published on 29March 2012:""
answer given date
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Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
written answer has answering body
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
Department for Business, Innovation and Skills
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
John Henry Hayes
answering person has answer