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Written answer
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answer has answering person
Alan James Carter Duncan
answer text
<p>The Foreign and Commonwealth Office understands that 4 local leaders from communities along the Naya river were kidnapped, three in April and one in May. The criminal group responsible has reportedly issued a video claiming the victims have been killed.</p><p>I am concerned about reports of increasing violence against human rights defenders and social activists in Colombia. Illegal armed groups are responsible for the majority of these attacks. The Naya region has seen an increase in fighting in recent weeks between illegal armed groups, including dissident former members of the FARC. It is vital that the security and protection of civilians is ensured and the British Ambassador in Bogota raised these concerns with the Colombian Defence Minister on 11 May.</p><p>The UK also raised concerns about violence against human rights defenders during the Universal Periodic Review of Colombia's human rights on 10 May in Geneva. During the review, Colombia also accepted UK recommendations to improve protective measures for human rights defenders.</p>
answer given date
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Foreign and Commonwealth Office
written answer has answering body
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Foreign and Commonwealth Office
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Alan James Carter Duncan
answering person has answer