Subject Predicate Object
Written answer
answer has question
answer has answering person
Jessica Rose Phillips
answer text
<p>The trafficking of woman and girls for sexual exploitation is a truly horrific crime. We are determined to safeguard victims and to bring the ruthless perpetrators of this crime to justice.</p><p>We are working closely with law enforcement partners and the devolved administrations to tackle the drivers of trafficking for sexual exploitation, including through operational intensifications to target perpetrators and implementing the Online Safety Act 2023 so online companies fulfil their duty to eradicate this exploitation from their sites.</p><p>We are committed to making our streets safer by tackling the harm and exploitation associated with prostitution. This Government will work closely with the voluntary and community sector to ensure that those who want to leave are able to.</p><p>The Home Office is funding a three-year project by Changing Lives to tackle violence against women and girls online, which includes providing early intervention and support for women and girls at high risk of commercial online exploitation.</p>
answer given date
answer has answering body
Home Office
written answer has answering body
Home Office
Home Office
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Jessica Rose Phillips
answering person has answer