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Written answer
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answer has answering person
Alan James Carter Duncan
answer text
<p>Conflict in Kachin and Northern Shan States has displaced an estimated 100,000 people. Over half of these are in non-Government controlled areas which are particularly hard to reach with humanitarian assistance. In June this year DFID announced £13.5 million for new humanitarian funding in Kachin State which includes non-government controlled areas. A needs assessment was conducted within camps in these areas in September. The findings showed that food, education, health, water, sanitation and hygiene, shelter, and security are the key priorities.</p><p>In Rakhine State there has been some progress in the humanitarian situation. A significant increase in addressing the needs of those displaced for shelter was noted in advance of the current rainy season. Challenges remain, including freedom of movement and access to jobs and services. DFID has allocated £4.4 million to address humanitarian needs in this financial year.</p>
answer given date
answer has answering body
Department for International Development
written answer has answering body
Department for International Development
Department for International Development
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Alan James Carter Duncan
answering person has answer