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Written answer
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answer has answering person
Heather Kay Wheeler
answer text
<p>We recognise that LGBT homelessness is an important issue, particularly among young people and that LGBT people who find themselves homeless may have a different experience of homelessness due to their protected characteristics. However, data on this issue is limited. This why we are currently undertaking research with the Government Equalities Office into the nature of LGBT homelessness that we also committed to in the LGBT Action Plan.</p><p>The research will be carried out in two stages. The first will include a review of existing evidence on LGBT homelessness and interviews with LGBT people with lived experience of homelessness. We are working with Sheffield Hallam University to deliver Phase 1. The second will include a review of services working with LGBT homeless people. We expect Phase 2 to begin later this year.</p><p>The Government is committed to reducing homelessness and rough sleeping. No one should ever have to sleep rough. That is why last summer we published the cross-government Rough Sleeping Strategy. This sets out an ambitious £100 million package to help people who sleep rough now, but also puts in place the structures that will end rough sleeping once and for all. The Government has now committed over £1.2 billion to tackle homelessness and rough sleeping over the spending review period.</p><p>In its first year, our Rough Sleeping Initiative (RSI) provided over 1,750 new bed spaces and 500 staff.  This year we have expanded the RSI with investment of £46 million for 246 areas – providing funding for an estimated 2,600 bed spaces and 750 staff.</p>
answer given date
answer has answering body
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
written answer has answering body
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government
answering body has written answer
answering body has answer
question has answer
Heather Kay Wheeler
answering person has answer