Mrs. Iris Robinson: To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland if he will make a statement on autism respite provision forthose living in the Crumlin and Antrim region. [179656]Angela Smith: There is a three bedded unit in Randalstown providing respite to children in the Antrim/Ballymena area, and an eightbedded unit in Ballymena, which both offer residential respite to approximately 40 children, including those with autism. There is awaiting list for both units.Depending on the complexity of need, there is a family-based scheme offering a respite service to children throughout HomefirstTrust.There is also a range of respite options for adults with a learning disability, including autism: (i) A dedicated three bedded unitat Oriel Lodge, Antrim. (ii) Family based respite. (iii) Specifically commissioned respite in nursing/residential homes.The Trust provides respite for 70 families within the Antrim/Ballymena area. |