HL Deb 08 February 2005 vol 669 cc28-30WS
Lord Warner

My honourable friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary for Community (Dr Stephen Ladyman) has made the following Written Ministerial Statement.

Increased fees for registration and inspection will be charged by the Commission for Social Care Inspection (CSCI) and the Healthcare Commission from April 2005. These are set out in the table. The fees for CSCI are subject to an across-the-board increase of 20 per cent over 2004–05 levels. The fees for the Healthcare Commission are subject to variable increases for different services: registration fees are subject to an across-the-board increase of 50 per cent and increases in inspection fees range from 20 per cent to 55 per cent over 2004–05 levels.

It is the Government's firm policy that we should move to a position where the recurrent costs of providing regulation are fully recovered from service providers. The fee increases for 2005–06 are part of this process.

The Government are tackling the issue of how much regulation costs overall, and this will ultimately limit what providers will pay in future. We are also working with the inspectorates to ensure regulatory services are provided as cost effectively as possible and working with public commissioners of care to ensure they understand regulatory costs are a legitimate part of the cost of providing care and need to be reflected in fees.

Individual letters are being sent to all providers of care services regulated by CSCI and the Healthcare Commission to notify them about the increases.

Fees for registration and inspection 2005–06 (2004–05 in brackets) Commission for Social Care Inspection
Service Provider registration Manager registration Minor variation Variation requiring visit
Care homes £1,901 (£1,584) £518 (£432) £86 (£72) £950 (£792)
Small care homes and adult placement carers £518 (£432) N/A £86 (£72) £518 (£432)
Children's homes £1,901 (£1,584) £518 (£432) £86 (£72) £950 (£792)
Small children's homes £518 (£432) N/A £86 (£72) £518 (£432)
Residential family centres £1,584 (£1,320) £432 (£360) £72 (£60) £792 (£660)
Small residential family centres £432 (£360) N/A £72 (£60) £432 (£360)
Domiciliary care agencies £1,584 (£1,320) £432 (£360) £72 (£60) £792 (£660)
Small domiciliary care agencies £432 (£360) N/A £72 (£60) £432 (£360)
Nurses agencies £1,584 (£1,320) £432 (£360) £72 (£60) £792 (£660)
Small nurses agencies £432 (£360) N/A £72 (£60) £432 (£360)
Voluntary adoption agencies principal office and branches £1,320 (£1,100) N/A £60 (£50) £660 (£550)
VAAs with small principal office or branch £360 (£300) N/A £60 (£50) £360 (£300)
Adult placement schemes £1,901 (£1,584) £518 (£432) £86 (£72) £950 (£792)
Small adult placement schemes £518 (£432) N/A £86 (£72) £518 (£432)

Annual Fees
Service Flat rate Approved Place From 4th to 29th Approved Place over 30th
Care homes £259 (£216) £86 (£72) £86 (£72)
Small care homes and adult placements £173 (£144) N/A N/A
Children's homes £864 (£720) £86 (£72) £86 (£72)
Small children's homes £864 (£720) N/A N/A
Boarding schools and FE £432 (£360) £26 (£21.60) £13 (£10.80)
Residential special schools £691 (£576) £69 (£57.60) £35 (£28.80)
Residential Family Centres £576 (£480) £72 (£60) £72 (£60)
Domiciliary care agencies £1.080 (£900) N/A N/A
Small domiciliary care agencies £540 (£450) N/A N/A
Nurses agencies £720 (£600) N/A N/A
Small nurses agencies £360 (£300) N/A N/A
Voluntary adoption agencies £600 (£500) N/A N/A
VAA branches £600 (£500) N/A N/A
Small voluntary adoption agencies £300 (£250) N/A N/A
Small VAA branches £300 (£250) N/A N/A
Adult Placement Schemes £1,728 (£1,440) N/A N/A
Small Adult Placement Schemas £864 (£720) N/A N/A
Healthcare Commission
Service New Fee
Provider registration £2,376 (£1,584)
Provider registration (small establishments) £648 (£432)
Manager registration £648 (£432)
Variation requiring visit £1,188 (£792)
Variation requiring visit (small establishments) £648 (£432)
Minor variation £108 (£72)
Annual Fees
Service Flat rate Approved place from 4th to 29th Approved place over 30th
Hospices £259 (£216) £86 £86
Acute hospital or mental health hospital £5,580 (£3,600) £223 £112
Hospital using prescribed techniques or prescribed technology £1,566 (£1,080) £209 £104
Hospital providing listed services £1,944 (£1,440) £194 £97
Independent clinic or independent medical agency £1,944 (£1,440) N/A N/A