HC Deb 16 September 2004 vol 424 cc1754-7WS
Sue Doughty

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many full-time general practitioners were working for the NHS in each primary care trust in the Surrey and Sussex Strategic Health Authority in each year since 1997. [188176]

Ms Rosie Winterton

The number of full-time general practitioners working for the national health service in each primary care trust in the Surrey and Sussex Strategic Health Authority in each year since 1997 is shown in the table.

2000 2001 2002
General medical




retainers and


Of which: full-


General medical




retainers and


Of which: full-


General medical




retainers and


Of which: full-


Surrey and Sussex SHA 1,442 1,176 1,455 1,163 1,483 1,140
Of which:
Adur. Arun and Worthing PCT 5L8 n/a n/a 123 103 126 104
Bexhill and Bother PCT 5FH n/a n/a 47 41 46 42
Brighton and Hove City PCT 5LQ n/a n/a 155 117 154 114
Crawley PCT 5MA n/a n/a 59 53 61 52
East Elmbridge and Mid Surrey PCT 5KP n/a n/a 152 110 153 112
East Surrey PCT 5KQ n/a n/a 80 63 83 65
Eastbourne Downs PCT 5LR n/a n/a 93 80 93 77
Guildford and Waverley PCT 5L5 n/a n/a 143 102 151 97
Hastings and St. Leonards PCT 5FJ n/a n/a 48 44 51 43
Horsham and Chanctonbury PCT 5MC n/a n/a 53 40 54 36
Mid-Sussex PCT 5FK n/a n/a 75 64 79 61
North Surrey PCT 5L6 n/a n/a 113 90 115 89
Sussex Downs and Weald PCT 5LT n/a n/a 82 67 84 67
Western Sussex PCT 5L9 n/a n/a 123 100 126 93
Woking PCT 5L7 n/a n/a 109 89 107 88

General medical practitioners (excluding registrars,

retainers and locums)1

Of which: full-time
Surrey and Sussex SHA 1,514 1,125
Of which:
Adur, Arun and Worthing PCT 5L8 125 100
Bexhill and Rother PCT 5FH 45 39
Brighton and Hove City PCT 5LQ 153 110
Crawley PCT 5MA 66 50
East Elmbridge and Mid Surrey PCT 5KP 161 110
East Surrey PCT 5KQ 88 66
Eastbourne Downs PCT 5LR 95 78
Guildford and Waverley PCT 5L5 153 99
Hastings and St. Leonards PCT 5FJ 50 41
Horsham and Chanctonbury PCT 5MC 55 39
Mid-Sussex PCT 5FK 82 63
North Surrey PCT 5L6 115 86
Sussex Downs and Weald PCT 5LT 84 66
Western Sussex PCT 5L9 135 90
Woking PCT 5L7 107 88
n/a = Not available.
1 All practitioners (excluding retainers, registrars and locums) include GMS unrestricted principals, PMS contracted GPs, PMS salaried GPs, restricted principals, assistants, salaried doctors, (Para 52 SFA), PMS other and flexible career scheme GPs and GP returners.
Data as at 1 October 1997–99 and 30 September 2000–03.
Department of Health General and Personal Medical Services Statistics.

Sue Doughty

To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many general practitioners have(a) been recruited into and (b) retired from working for the NHS in each primary care trust in the Surrey and Sussex strategic health authority in the last five years. [188177]

Ms Rosie Winterton

The information requested is not collected centrally.

General Medical Practitioners within Surrey and Sussex SHA by age band as at 31 March 2004
Number (headcount)
All General



Under 30 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–and over
Surrey and Sussex SHA 1,842 72 242 333 371 328 246 159 71 18 2
5L8 Adur, Arun and Worthing PCT 155 6 23 27 37 29 20 12 1

Sue Doughty

To ask Secretary of State for Health how many general practitioners(a) will reach retirement age and (b) are expected to retire from working for the NHS in each primary care trust in the Surrey and Sussex Strategic Health Authority over the next five years.

Ms Rosie Winterton

The number of general practitioners broken down by age, for each of the Primary Care Trusts in the Surrey and Sussex Strategic Health Authority area is shown in the table.

General Medical Practitioners within Surrey and Sussex SHA by age band as at 31 March 2004
Number (headcount)
Number (headcount)
All General



Under 30 30–34 35–39 40–44 45–49 50–54 55–59 60–64 65–69 70–and over
5FH Bexhill and Rother PCT 55 1 4 6 14 12 7 6 4 1
5LQ Brighton and Hove City PCT 172 2 19 38 38 23 20 18 11 3
5MA Crawley PCT 77 4 7 12 20 11 12 6 3 2
5KP East Elmbridge and Mid Surrey PCT 195 8 23 45 34 33 28 11 10 2 1
5KQ East Surrey PCT 122 7 22 22 19 22 18 7 3 1 1
5LR Eastbourne Downs PCT 106 5 9 14 29 16 16 11 6
5L5 Guildford and Waverley PCT 203 6 32 37 42 35 32 15 2 2
5FJ Hastings and St. Leonards PCT 53 1 5 5 5 11 14 3 6 3
5MC Horsham and Chanctonbury PCT 61 3 5 12 11 14 8 6 2
5FK Mid Sussex PCT 104 3 15 24 25 22 7 8
5L6 North Surrey PCT 126 4 16 22 23 23 17 17 3 1
5LT Sussex Downs and Weald PCT 110 7 13 19 23 17 17 8 4 2
5L9 Western Sussex PCT 165 8 30 28 25 29 19 15 11
5L7 Woking PCT 138 7 19 22 26 31 11 16 5 1
1 All practitioners include GMS Unrestricted Principals, PMS Contracted GPs, PMS Salaried GPs, Restricted Principals, Assistants, GP Registrars, Salaried Doctors (Para 52 SFA), PMS Other, GP Retainers, and Flexible Career Scheme GPs.
Department of Health General and Persona] Medical Services Statistics.

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