HC Deb 06 May 2004 vol 420 cc85-6WS
The Minister of State, Ministry of Defence (Mr. Adam Ingram)

Key targets have been set for the Chief Executive of the Defence Analytical Services Agency (DASA) for financial year 2004 –05, and are as follows:

Delivering Services to Meet Customer Needs To meet at least 95 per cent. of the timeliness and quality targets in the 36 Service Level Agreements with customers for on-going work, and Project Agreements for surveys, modelling and other one-off projects. To publish the five key defence National Statistics on time, with no major errors and with no breaches of the pre-release access arrangements, and to meet 95 per cent. of the timeliness and quality targets for other defence National Statistics publications. To have at least 90 per cent. of customers saying, in the annual Customer Satisfaction Survey, that they are satisfied with the overall service they receive from DASA.

Investing in Quality To conduct a National Statistics quality review of DASA's service pensioners statistics, and recommend improvements in their quality and scope. To implement 75 per cent. of the 2004–05 targets in the implementation plan for the defence finance and economic statistics National Statistics quality review conducted in 2002–03.

Developing People To have at least 85 per cent. of staff saying, in the annual Staff Opinion Survey, that they are satisfied with working in DASA.

Efficiency To make sufficient efficiency gains to provide the necessary resources for (a) Key Target 5 to be addressed, (b) a scoping study to be conducted into DASA's taking on responsibility for the collection and presentation of deployment statistics, and (c) an expanded investment appraisal advice service established.