HC Deb 31 March 2004 vol 419 c96WS
The Minister of State, Ministry of Defence (Mr.Adam Ingram)

Since the inception of the International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) in December 2001, the United Kingdom has been a key contributor: we have maintained a continuous presence in Kabul where our troops have once again established a high reputation. That useful work has been complemented by our provincial reconstruction team (PRT) in Mazar-e Sharif, currently operating under the command of the coalition across the five provinces of Balkh, Faryab, Jowzjan, Samangan and Sar-e Pol. No-one should doubt the United Kingdom's commitment to Afghanistan.

The United Nations Security Council resolution 1510 authorized ISAF to expand beyond Kabul and offered the opportunity to start to bring the ISAF and the PRTs together. Since December 2003, NATO has operated its own PRT in the north-eastern city of Konduz as part of ISAF. Building on that experience, and that of coalition PRTs, NATO's detailed operational planning to expand the ISAF across Afghanistan is nearing completion. In view of the parliamentary recess I believe the House would wish to be informed of developments that are likely to occur shortly.

Within this planning, and in conjunction with our international partners, we have offered to NATO to lead the expansion process in the north of the country, where we already have a significant presence through our own PRT. As part of our expanded commitment, and once NATO has agreed its operational plan we shall lead a second multinational PRT that we intend to establish in the Northern city of Meymaneh. Again, in co-operation with our international partners, we shall establish and maintain facilities to support PRTs across the North of Afghanistan. Finally, we plan to transfer command of the PRT in Mazar-e Sharif from the coalition to the ISAF.

This will require some increase in the number of British troops routinely deployed in Afghanistan, although until negotiations with our international partners are complete I am not in a position to indicate what the precise total will be, but I will keep the House informed as this develops. I can confirm, however, that this commitment, which will utilise forces allocated to but not deployed forward in Afghanistan and some other enabling elements in the initial stages, is sustainable.

The expansion of the ISAF will be a major challenge. The United Kingdom, in line with our determination to help the Afghan people rebuild their country, is resolved to play its full part in meeting that challenge. By leading expansion in the north we shall do so in a sustainable and effective manner to the long-term benefit of Afghanistan and her people.

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