HL Deb 24 March 2004 vol 659 c39WS
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State, Ministry of Defence (Lord Bach)

My honourable friend the Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defence (Mr Ivor Caplin) has made the following Written Mnisterial Statement.

The 2003 Defence Estate Stewardship Report is published today. This report outlines the continuing progress that the Ministry of Defence is making in implementing the estate strategy that was launched in 2000.

The Ministry of Defence is continually examining ways of improving military capability and value for money for the taxpayer. As part of this approach, we want to keep the size and location of our bases under review. Building on initial work that has been done to identify the MoD's core sites, the department is now undertaking further work to examine where estate rationalisation may be possible. This work is consistent with the department's contribution to the Government's independent review of public sector rationalisation—the Lyons review.

The work now under way is looking at consolidating defence activity at a smaller number of more densely utilised locations in order to achieve the optimum use of land and facilities. This ongoing review will necessarily involve the examination of a number of proposals for the potential collocation and relocation of units. It will also take into account existing relocation studies that have already been announced. It is important to recognise that any options that are considered will need to meet operational requirements as well as representing value for money.

The department is currently at an early stage of this wider review and each proposal that emerges from this work will be subject to full consultation in the normal way. This consultation is essential to determine whether the options under consideration are viable in the widest sense, for instance, in relation to transport, education, health and the future use of potential surplus MoD sites.

No decisions have yet been reached on any site but as this matter progresses I will ensure that right honourable and honourable Members are advised of progress where such an issue may affect their constituency.

A copy of the report is in the Library of the House.