HL Deb 22 July 2004 vol 664 cc40-3WS
Baroness Amos

Listed below are the names of special advisers in post at 19 July 2004, the special advisers' pay ranges for 2004–05, the number of special advisers in each pay band by department and the total cost of special advisers for 2003–04.

All special advisers are appointed under terms and conditions set out in the Model Contract for Special Advisers providing advice on the full range of their appointing Minister's departmental responsibilities. Where a special adviser has a specific expertise this is indicated.

Appointing Minister Special Adviser in post Expertise
Secretary of State for Education and Skills Robert Hill
Lisa Tremble
Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Nicci Collins
Stephen Hale
Hazel Phillips
Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs Ed Owen Communications and the EU
Michael Williams UN; human rights; Asia, Africa and the Balkans
Secretary of State for Health Richard Olszewski
Steve Bates
Paul Corrigan
Secretary of State for the Home Department Matt Cavanagh
Katharine Raymond
Huw Evans
Sophie Linden (p/t)
Leader of the House of Lords, and the Lord Matthew Seward2
President of the Council Mark Davies Communications
Joe Dancey (p/t)
Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs and Lord Chancellor Garry Hart
Philip Bassett
Secretary of State for International Development Alex Evans
Beatrice Stern Communications
Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Owen Smith
Adam Higgett
Leader of the House of Commons, Lord Greg Power Parliamentary procedure
Privy Seal and Secretary of State for Wales Phil Taylor Parliamentary procedure
Andrew Bold Welsh affairs
Secretary of State for Trade and Industry Jim Godfrey Communications
Roger Sharp
Deborah Lincoln Women and equality
Emily Thomas (unpaid)
Secretary of State for Transport and Secretary of State for Scotland Andrew Maugham
Sam White
Iain Gray Scottish affairs
Chancellor of the Exchequer3,4 Ian Austin Communications
Spencer Livermore
Chief Secretary Nicola Murphy
Jonathan Ashworth
Secretary of State for Work and Pensions Chris Norton
Tom Clark
Minister without Portfolio Martin O'Donovan
Blair McDougall

Pay bands for 2004–05

The pay bands and pay ranges for special advisers for 2004–05 are as follows:

Scheme Maximum £133,628
Pay Band 4 £80,178 to £96,213
Pay Band 3 and Premium £59,867 to £93,005

Departments Pay Band
0 1 2 3 4
No105 1 5 5 13 2
Office of the Deputy Prime Minister 2 1
Chief Whips' Offices (Commons and Lords) 1 2
Constitutional Affairs 2
Culture, Media and Sport 1 1
Defence 1 1
Education and Skills 1 1
Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 2 1
Foreign and Commonwealth Office 2
Health 2 1
Home Office 4

Pay Band 2 £47,038 to £61,785
Pay Band 1 £36,348 to £48,456
Pay Band 0 Up to £36,347

Advisers by Pay Band

At 19 July 2004, the number of special advisers in each pay band by department is as follows:

Departments Pay Band
0 1 2 3 4
International Development 2
Lord President of the Council and Leader of the House of Lords 3
Lord Privy Seal, Leader of the House of Commons and Secretary of State for Wales 2 1
Northern Ireland Office 1 1
Trade and Industry6 1 1 1
HM Treasury7 2 2
Secretary of State for Scotland and Secretary of State for Transport 1 2
Work and Pensions 2
Minister without Portfolio 2
Total 1 23 26 22 4
Paybill costs
The cost of special advisers in 2003–04 is £5.3 million8.
1Plus Lord Birt, who is appointed as the Prime Minister's unpaid strategy adviser.
2In addition, Matthew Seward also works part-time for the Home Secretary.
3In addition, the Chancellor of the Exchequer has appointed Ed Miliband (Chairman), Paul Gregg, Shriti Vadera, Michael Jacobs and Stewart Wood to the Council of Economic Advisers on special adviser terms.
4Plus Sue Nye appointed as an unpaid adviser.
5Plus two special advisers who are paid beyond pay band 4, but within the scheme maximum.
6Plus one adviser who is unpaid.
7Plus the five members of the Council of Economic Advisers who are employed on special adviser terms (one in band 4, three in band 3 and one in band 1). One of the members of the council works part-time.
8This figure includes salary, severance pay and an estimate of pensions cost.