HC Deb 24 February 2004 vol 418 cc32-4WS
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Constitutional Affairs (Mr. Christopher Leslie)

Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Department for Constitutional Affairs, Northern Ireland Court Service and National Archives: Public Records Office and Historical Manuscripts Commission Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) will be increased by £213,545,000 from £3,129,794,000 to £3,343,339,000 and the administration costs limit will be increased by £96,333,000 from £832,843,000 to £929,176,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:

Change Voted New DEL Non-voted Total
Resource 166,106,000 1,128,447,000 2,112,305,000 3,240,752,000
Capital 49,737,000 167,539,000 11,107,000 178,646,000
Depreciation* -2,298,000 -74,592,000 -1,467,000 -76,059,000
Total 213,545,000 1,221,394,000 2,121,945,000 3,343,339,000

*Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting.

The change in the resource element of the Department of Constitutional Affairs DEL arises from:

Request for Resources 1

A transfer of £2,000 resources to the Home Office in relation to costs for Contribution to Group of States Against Corruption (GRECO); a transfer of £24,000 resources to the Home Office in relation to Strategic Grant Funding of Mediation UK; a transfer of £7,460,000 admin costs to the Home Office in relation to Criminal Justice Information Technology (CJIT) transfers; a transfer of £500,000 resources from the Home Office in relation to Criminal Justice Service Confidence Unit (CJSCU) funding for local Boards; a transfer of £60,000 resources front the Home Office in relation to Victims & Witnesses Survey; a transfer of £63,000 administration costs from Home Office in relation to staff costs for prison adjudicators; a transfer of £775,000 administration costs from the Department for Work and Pensions in relation to the State Pension Credit Act 2002; a transfer of £425,000 administration costs from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister in relation to Machinery of Government changes for devolution; a transfer of £7,000 administration costs from the HM Customs in relation to Funding for Civil Penalties & for Sections 17/18 FA 2003 Missing Traders Intra-Community (MTIC); a transfer of £17,000 administration costs to the Department of Trade & Industry being contribution to the Apportionment of the fees for Senior Salaries Review Body (SSRB) members; an increase of £24,000 administration costs in relation to receipts from the Office for National Statistics; a transfer of £543,000 administration costs to the Crown Prosecution Service in relation to costs for Effective Trial Management Programme (ETMP) Officers; a transfer of £40,000 administration costs to the Crown Prosecution service in relation to Local Criminal Justice Board (LCJB) Funding Suffolk; a transfer of £12,300,000 resources to the Northern Ireland Court Service in relation to funding the Legal Services Commission in Northern Ireland; a transfer of £87,000,000 administration costs from HM Treasury in relation to the Libra Reserve claim; a transfer of £43,300,000 administration costs, £60,700,000 resource costs from HM Treasury in relation to the Single Asylum Fund; an increase of £2,667,000 resources in relation to Machinery of Government; a reclassification of £5,572,000 from admin resource to programme resource in relation to CUT transfers (Crown); a reclassification of £115,000 from admin resource to programme resource in relation to an Invest to Save (ISB) Award; a reclassification of £23,598,000 resources from admin resource to capital DEL;

Request for Resources 3

£21,000 in relation to timing adjustments for the Wales Office. The following transfers do not form part of the Department of Constitutional Affairs DEL, but impact on the separate DEL in relation to the spending of the National Assembly for Wales:

The take up of end year flexibility of £180,000,000 for the National Assembly for Wales;

Net transfers from Other Government Departments to the National Assembly for Wales of £2,311,000 as follows:

£200,000 from the Department of Works and Pensions for the Adult Learning Inspectorate; £43,000 from the Home Office for Wales Business Crime Reduction; £50,000 from the Northern Ireland Office for Out of Area Treatments; £20,000 from the Department of Health for a Prison Health Co-ordinator; £349,000 from the Home Office for Prison Service Health Care; £250,000 from the Home Office for Through-care and Aftercare; £34,000 from the Home Office for Golden Jubilee Awards; £1,158,000 from the Department of Works and Pensions for Pension Credit Passports; £250,000 from the Forestry Commission, which is the final settlement associated with the transfer of responsibility for forestry to the Assembly; £43,000 to the Scotland Office for Out of Area Treatments.

The change in the resource element of the Northern Ireland Court Service DEL arises from:

a Public Expenditure Survey (PES) transfer from the Department for Constitutional Affairs of £12,300,000 in respect of the funding of publicly funded legal services in Northern Ireland and the virement of £185,000 from capital to meet a corresponding increase in "other current" expenditure.

The change of £2,063,000 in the resource element of the National Archives DEL arises from the funding of electronic service delivery developments, which relate to the Government's 2005 target.

The change in the capital element of the Department of Constitutional Affairs DEL arises from:

Request for Resources 1

a transfer of £22,324,000 capital from the Home Office in relation to CUT transfers; a transfer of £4,000,000 capital from HM Treasury in relation to the Single Asylum Fund; a reclassification of £23,598,000 from admin resources to capital DEL.

The change in the capital element of the Northern Ireland Court Service DEL arises from:

the virement of £185,000 from capital to "other current" to meet a corresponding increase in "other current" expenditure.

The increase in non-voted expenditure arises from the resource consumption requirements of the Northern Ireland Legal Services Commission, a Non Departmental Public Body, which was established on 1 November 2003.