§ The Minister of State, Ministry of Defence (Mr. Adam Ingram): Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary supplementary estimate, the Ministry of Defence Departmental expenditure limits will be increased by £506,795,000 from £30,792,381,000 to £31,299,176,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table: 8WS
1000s | ||||
Change | Voted | New Del Non-voted | Total | |
Resource | 342,500 | 31,866,919 | 448,247 | 32,315,166 |
Capital | -35,705 | 6,401,972 | 19,925 | 6,421,897 |
Depreciation1 | 200,000 | -7,337,887 | -100,000 | -7,437,887 |
Total | 506,795 | 30,931,004 | 368,172 | 31,299,176 |
1Depreciation, which forms part of Resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting. |
The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:
The transfer of £ 116,550,000 from Capital to Resource DEL.
An increase in RfR2 of £231 million Resource DEL for military operations.
A transfer of £5 million Resource DEL from FCO in respect of the Global Conflict Prevention Pool.
A transfer of £910,000 from DFID in respect of the Conflict Prevention Pool for programmes in sub-Saharan Africa.
A transfer of £11,200,000 Resource DEL to the DTI in support of dual-use acro-engine technology programmes.
A transfer of £305,000 Resource DEL from the DWP to the Veterans Agency relating to a change in allowances.
A transfer of £120,000 Resource DEL to the Single Intelligence Account relating to electricity for a shared site.
A transfer of £55,000 Resource DEL from the Home Office in respect of the Voluntary Opportunities Matched Funding Project.
An increase in the Non-budget items of £147,541,000 arising from changes in provision values related to the change in the Treasury Discount Rate.
An increase in Resource Appropriations in Aid of £157,579,000.
The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from:
A transfer of £116,550,000 from capital DEL to resource DEL as a result of budgetary re-balancing.
An increase in RfR2 of £78 million capital DEL for military operations.
A transfer of £5,500,000 capital DEL from the Home Office to MoD as payment for part of the former RAF Newton site.
A reduction in Capital DEL of £2.655,000, as a result of repaying the funding provided from the reserve in FY01/02 which was brought forward from 2003–04 for op veritas urgent operational requirements.
An increase in non-operating Appropriations in Aid of £134,613,000. A profit of £17,674.000 on the disposal of fixed assets.