HC Deb 04 February 2004 vol 417 cc38-40WS
The Chief Secretary to the Treasury(Mr. Paul Boateng)

I am pleased to announce that 13 bids from across the public and voluntary sectors have been successful in round six of the Invest to Save Budget at a cost of £46 million in total over the three years to 2006–07 for England. The allocated sum rises to £51 million to include consequential funding for the devolved Administrations. The attached table describes the winners of this round.

The Invest to Save Budget (ISB) is a joint Treasury/Cabinet Office initiative. It provides support for projects which increase the extent of joint working between different parts of government, identify innovative ways of delivering public services and reduce the cost of delivering the services and/or improve the quality and effectiveness of services delivered to the public. This is the sixth round of the ISB which started in 1999.

It is expected that a total of around £370 million will be spent on ISB projects over the period from 1 April 1999 to 31 March 2006. Round one was restricted to central Government Departments and their agencies. In the second and third rounds local authorities, police and fire authorities, health authorities, non-departmental public bodies and public corporations could also apply. In the fourth round, voluntary sector bodies were able to apply for the first time. The fifth round built on the partnership theme and encouraged the risk adverse public sector to innovate. The sixth round continues to seek out projects to improve delivery of public services through innovation and partnership working.

Winning projects have to agree an implementation plan with the sponsor departments. Each project has to provide six-monthly progress reports and carry out an evaluation of its success once it has been completed. Wider dissemination of the good practice from completed projects is then fed back into the whole spectrum of public service providers.

Organisation Brief Description Funding


1. Crown Prosecution Service Crown Prosecution Service led project to deliver, for the first time, a truly joined up partnership approach to provide care for victims and witnesses. £27,123,000 England & Wales
2. Small Business Service Project to develop an on-line facility for Government Departments to reduce barriers to effective competition for public sector contracts and for improving value for money in public sector procurement. £1,250,000 National
3. Youth Justice Board Project to address the risk factors associated with offending children so helping to reduce the number of children entering the Criminal Justice system £1,365,000 England & Wales
4. Community Service Volunteers Project to reduce the demand for specialist mental health services across London and to create a greater understanding of mental health issues in the broad population £7,331,000 London
5. St Mungo's Inner London Detox Centre Project to provide a detoxification centre in Central London to offer an alternative to police custody for homeless street drinkers arrested by the Metropolitan Police £1,155,000 London
6. Prison Service Prison Service led project to deliver support for families and specifically children who have a parent in custody. £314,687 South West
7. Devon & Cornwall Constabulary Project that establishes a Targeted Drug release programme which will provide access for drug using offenders to pass from the criminal justice system to the treatment system when released from prison. £1,100,000 South West

Organisation Brief Description Funding


8. Bath and Somerset Social Services and Housing Services Project that establishes a dedicated mobile nursing team providing 24-hour cover designed to take services in a residential location rather than moving a seriously frail person to hospital. £1,343,300 South West
9. Bristol City Council Project to reduce out of authority placements for children with complex mental health, emotional and behavioural difficulties to reduce alienation from their communities and increase their life chances £810,870 South West
10. Warrington Advice and Resource Centre Project to reduce the number of young people running away in Warrington by providing reactive services as well as proactively engaging with families to reduce repeat runaways and preventing siblings duplicating the behaviour. £458,064 North West
11. Gloucestershire City Council Project to develop and deliver a Local Planning toolkit for public service providers and partnerships to plan their neighbourhood and community services using shared information across the different agencies £100,000 West Midlands
12. Lincolnshire County Council Project to educate local people in Rural and Coastal Academies by the development of an integrated curriculum provision to pupils who are out of mainstream school; and an area based identification, screening and support service for adults with dyslexia. £1,092,000 East Midlands
13. Peterborough City Council Project to create an integrated network of service providers, statutory agencies and support workers, which will ensure the successful integration of new arrivals into Peterborough in the short, medium and long term. £2,262,400 East Midlands

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