HC Deb 18 September 2003 vol 410 cc60-2WS
The Secretary of State for Work and Pensions(Mr. Andrew Smith)

In the Government's consultation report "Simplicity, Security and Choice: Working and Saving for Retirement", December 2002, (CM 5677) I announced plans to introduce progressively a new package of more intensive back-to-work help for people aged 50 and over. Today I am pleased to announce further details about two elements of this work.

The sites for the pilot study to trial mandating the participation of people aged 50 to 59 who have been claiming JSA for 18 months in the New Deal 25 plus Intensive Activity Period, on the same basis as currently exists for claimants aged 25–49, have been agreed and are listed below. 11 of the pilots will commence in April 2004, and three will commence in October 2004. The areas represent a mix of geographical and labour market areas and all will have fully integrated Jobcentre Plus offices. In addition, seven of the sites are also taking part in the Pathways to Work pilots for people on Incapacity Benefits.

The pilots will be evaluated comprehensively by independent qualitative and quantitative research and this will include the use of random assignment.

Pilot sites for a mandatory New Deal 25 plus Intensive Activity Period for people aged 50 to 59—Launch April 2004:

  • Bridgend (1)
  • Buckingham & Oxfordshire
  • Calderdale & Kirklees
  • Coventry & Warwickshire
  • East Lancashire (1)
  • Essex (1)
  • Hampshire
  • Leicester
  • Shropshire
  • Somerset (1)
  • Suffolk

Pilot sites for a mandatory New Deal 25 plus Intensive Activity Period for people aged 50 to 59—Launch October 2004:

  • Derbyshire (1)
  • Gateshead & South Tyneside (1)
  • Renfrewshire, Inverclyde, Argyll and Bute. (1)


(1) Also participating in the Pathways to Work pilots.

A national tendering exercise will be launched today on the Jobcentre Plus website http:// www.jobcentreplus.gov.uk/, inviting bids from private and voluntary sector organisations to extend information about back-to-work help and local job and volunteering opportunities to help improve the employment prospects of jobless people aged 50 and over.

The bids will be invited in areas with higher numbers of people aged over 50 claiming benefits, listed below. Successful bidders will begin work from April 2004, and contracts will be let for up to two years. The pilots will gather good practice information on the most effective ways of raising awareness about the availability of back to work help to people not currently in contact with Jobcentre Plus.

Proposed Jobcentre Plus districts for private and voluntary sector bids to raise awareness about the back to work help available through:

  • Jobcentre Plus
  • Lanarkshire
  • Liverpool
  • Leeds
  • Wigan
  • City of Sunderland
  • Bradford
  • Fife
  • Staffordshire
  • Dudley and Sandwell
  • Newcastle and North Tyne
  • Eastern Valleys
  • Cardiff and Vale

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