§ The Secretary of State for Education and Skills (Mr. Charles Clarke)Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Department for Education and Skills DEL (including the Office for Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools (OFSTED) which has a separate Estimate) will be increased by £839,929,000 from £25,302,171,000 to £26,142,100,000 and the administration costs limits will be increased by £7,517.000 from £243,143,000 to £250,660,000.
Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:
and Sport of £35,920,000 for the School Sports Co-ordinator Programme; the net transfer in from the Department of Health of £4,258,0000 for Standards Fund for Health; the net transfer in from the Home Office of £3,397,000 for Positive Activities for Young People, for Adult Basic Skills and for the Community Champions Programme; the transfer in from the Office for National Statistics of £198,000 for the Neighbourhood Statistics Programme; the transfer in from the Department of Trade and Industry of £ 108,000 for the Mutual Recognition of Qualifications Programme and the transfer in of £2,300,000 from RfR2 Sure Start for SEN Tribunal Early Support Pilot projects and Adult Basic Skills; the net transfer to the Department for Work and Pensions of £12,586,000 for Basic Skills programme through Jobcentre Plus and for the Disability Rights Commission; the net transfer to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of £2,057,000 for the Regional Co-ordination Unit support; the take up of existing provision of £3,140,000 for the Parenting Fund programme and the ex-TEC property provision; and the take up of Evidence Based Policy Funding of £65,000 for understanding the impact of child poverty and progression routes; the transfer to the Office of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools in England (OFSTED) of £228,000 for Specialist Schools, 15WS Evaluation of Training in Schools and for the Independent State Schools Partnership, which is departmental DEL neutral, movement of £190,000 (OFSTED inspection of FE Training) from non-voted to voted DEL is departmental DEL neutral.
The £84,943,000 increase in the non-voted element of the resource DEL arises from a £108,093,000 increase in RfRI from the Machinery of Government change of £94,833,000 for the Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service (CAFCASS) Non departmental public body; the transfer in from the Home Office of £7,000,000 for the Higher Education Funding Council for England to support the Active Community Fund project; the transfer in from the Department for Work and Pensions of £5,750,000 for the Adult Learning Inspectorate to inspect Jobcentre Plus training providers; the transfer in of £1,000,000 from RfR2 Sure Start for the Learning Skills Council for the delivery of FE childcare places; the transfer out of £300,000 from the Higher Education Funding Council for England to the Department of Health for Clinician Awards; the transfer out from the Adult Learning Inspectorate to Office of Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools in England of £190,000 to inspect FE training in Higher Education Institutes which is departmental DEL neutral.
The £23,163,000 decrease in RfR2 arises from the £23,300,000 transfer to RfRI for the SEN Tribunal Early Support Pilot projects, for Adult Basic Skills and for the delivery of FE childcare places and the transfer in of £137,000 from the Department for Work and Pensions for the ongoing costs of the childcare team.
The £13,000 increase in RfR3 arises from the net transfer out of £160,000 to the Home Office for citizenship survey project; the transfer out of E30,000 to the Department for Work and Pensions for the family and children survey and the increase from the drawdown of Invest to Save Budget of £203,000 for the Children's Centre project aiming to improve the quality of partners existing services.
The £7,517,000 increase in the Administration Cost limit arises from a £6,380,000 increase in the Administration Cost limit for RfRI from the Machinery of Government changes of £6,458,000 (Department of Health £4,878,000; Department for Constitutional Affairs £1,070,000 and Home Office £510,000); the transfer in of £860,000 from the Department for Work and Pensions for Employment Service contributions to shared services and for support of the Detached National Experts; the transfer in of £198,000 from the Office for National Statistics for the Neighbourhood Statistics programme; the transfer in of £108,000 from the Department of Trade and Industry for the Mutual Recognition of Qualifications programme; the net transfer out of £2,157,000 to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for the Regional Co-ordination Unit support and the programme to administrative expenditure reclassification of £913,000 for education in Prisons and Custodial institutions.
16WSThe £1,137,000 increase in the Administration Cost limit for RfR2 arises from the reclassification of £1,000,000 programme to administrative expenditure; the transfer in of £137,000 from the Department for Work and Pensions for the ongoing costs of the Childcare team.
The change in the capital element of the DEL of £71,826,000 arises from a £62,473,000 increase in the voted element of the capital DEL and an increase of £9,353,000 in the non-voted element of the capital DEL.
The £62,473,000 increase to the voted element of the Capital DEL arises from an increase for R FRI from an in year draw down of £26,750,000 to fund the Capital Modernisation Fund projects through the Standards Fund; from the £20,000,000 transfer in from RfR2 Sure Start for Nursery Education grants; from the Machinery of Government changes of £ 15,723,000 from the Department of Health (£45,000) for IT and furniture; (£9,500,000) for Capital Modernisation Fund Children Services and (£6,178,000) for Secure Accommodation.
The £9,353,000 increase to the non-voted element of Capital DEL arises from an increase for R FRI of £9,302,000 for the Machinery of Government changes from the Department of Health for Credit Approvals for Personal Social Services. An increase to the non-voted element of Capital DEL in RFR3 for the take up of £51,000 from the Invest to Save Budget for the Children's Centre project aiming to improve the quality of partners existing services.