HC Deb 27 November 2003 vol 415 c3WS
The Secretary of State for the Home Department (Mr. David Blunkett)

Plans of changes to the Departmental Expenditure Limit and Administrative Cost Limit for 2003–04 are set out below.

Subject to Parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Home Office's Departmental Expenditure Limits for 2003–04 will be decreased by £11,514,000 from £12,546,484,000 to £12,534,970,000 and the administration costs limit will be increased by £80,386,000 from £3,351,317.000 to £3,431,703,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the following table:

Change Voted Non-voted Total
Resource 27,367 10,155,844 1,544,825 11,700,669
Capital -38,881 822,573 233,546 1,056,119
Depreciation* -182,725 -39,093 -221,818
Total -11,514 10,795,692 1,739,278 12,534,970

* Depreciation, which forms part of resource DEL, is excluded from the total DEL since capital DEL includes capital spending and to include depreciation of those assets would lead to double counting. Details of the changes are available in the House Library.