HC Deb 27 November 2003 vol 415 cc18-20WS
The Solicitor-General (Ms Harriet Harman)

Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary supplementary estimates, the Attorney General's DEL will be increased by £81,807,000 from £471,797,000 to £553,604,000 and the Administration Costs Limit will be increased by £78,607,000 from £350,984,000 to £429,791,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are set out in the following table:

Change Voted Non-voted Total
Resource 81,807,000 546,604,000 7,000,000 553,604,000
Capital 700,000 15,300,000 0 15,300,000
Depreciation* -100,000 -4,573,000 0 4,573,000
Total 82,407,000 557,331,000 7,000,000 564,331,000

* Depreciation is included in both the Resource and Capital DEL figures so it must be removed to arrive at the correct figure for total DEL.

The Crown Prosecution Service's element of the Attorney General's DEL will be increased by £76,367,000 from £435,294,000 to £511,661,000 and the Administration Costs Limit will be increased by £76,367,000 from £325,207,000 to £401,574,000.

The increase of £76,143,000 in the resource element of the DEL is from the Criminal Justice Reserve to fund the CPS's core business so that it can continue contributing to meeting criminal justice performance targets.

The increase of £200,000 arises from a transfer from the Home Office to support the six-month extension to the Visual Recording of Suspects' pilots and the increase of £24,000 is from the Department of Constitutional Affairs (DCA) for the Case Preparation Project pilots.

The Capital Modernisation Fund provided £1,800,000 in 2003–04 to enable the CPS to develop a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) that would support secure e-mail and data transfer with other CJS organisations: and barristers and solicitors in the private sector. During the planning stage, an alternative simpler solution was identified and tested and it is this initiative that will be taken forward by Criminal Justice Information Technology (CJIT). CJIT have indicated that they do not require the funding to be transferred and consequently the decrease in the capital element of the DEL arises from the CPS returning £1,800,000 capital to the Capital Modernisation Fund.

The Serious Fraud Office's (SFO) DEL will increase by £5,440,000 from £23,410,000 to £28,850,000 and the Administration Costs Limit will increase by £2,240,000 from £16,235,000 to £18,475,000.

The increase in the resource element of the DEL arises from additional costs relating to two blockbuster fraud cases; £2,240,000 relates to increased administration costs and £3,200,000 relates to programme costs— mainly investigation and prosecution costs.

The change in the capital element of the SFO DEL arises from a £450,000 increase in I.T. hardware spending, which relates to one of the blockbuster cases. These changes in DEL are supported by a claim on the DEL Reserve. This was agreed due to these cases being considered different from normal SFO cases in terms of their size and complexity and because of the strong public interest in pursuing them.

There is no change in the resource element of the DEL for the Treasury Solicitors' Department (TSOL). The increase in capital of £2,050,000 from £3,200,000 to £5,250,000 arises from major areas of capital expenditure relating to the implementation of new systems and the upgrading of the Department's I.T. infrastructure. The new major systems include a practice and case management system, (which enables the Department to more effectively manage and monitor its casework), a new electronic records and electronic document management system and, also, an upgrade to the Department's financial systems.

There is no increase in the TSOL's administration cost limit.