HC Deb 20 May 2003 vol 405 c33WS
The Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Margaret Beckett)

I have set PSD the following agreed outcomes and performance targets for 2003–04 for those regulatory and policy functions it delivers on behalf of the Department, for pesticides:

PESTICIDE EVALUATIONS To deliver high-quality scientific work to underpin the safe use of pesticides four people and the environment. To complete pesticide approval applications to time (90 per cent. within published processing times) and cost. Reducing negative impacts from pesticides. To develop and publish a National Pesticides Strategy to take forward sustainable pesticide use, including alternative control measures and consideration of use reduction policies. To define data requirements and provide guidance to applicants on biological pesticides.

UK INTERESTS AND OUR POSITION IN EUROPE To secure UK's interests in negotiations on the revision of Council Directive 91/414/EEC and the revision and consolidation of the MRL Directives. To deliver EU funded projects to the satisfaction of the European Commission and the Twinning / Partners' contract.

MONITORING To carry out a surveillance programme, monitoring the UK food and drink supply for pesticide residues. To investigate reported wildlife incidents and take forward a proactive monitoring scheme.

COMMUNICATION WITH OUR STAKEHOLDERS To establish a baseline for public awareness.

FINANCIAL PERFORMANCE To recover the full economic cost (as calculated according to resource accounting principles) of our services from industry and DEFRA. To deliver efficiency savings of 3 per cent.