§ The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Northern Ireland (Mr. Ian Pearson)Copies of the Business Development Service (BDS) published Strategic Plan 2003–06 and Business Plan 2003–04 were deposited in the Northern Ireland Assembly on 1 May 2003. Copies have also been placed in the Libraries of both Houses today.
The Ministerial Targets for BDS for the period 1 April 2003–31 March 2004 are as follows:
95 per cent. of customers to be satisfied with the services they receive;95 per cent. of customers to be satisfied with the way in which services are provided;People development to be consistent with the principles of Investors in People Standard (IIP);Secure on a notional basis and within the context of service level agreements (where they apply) full recovery of the cost of its operations within a tolerance level of 10 per cent.; andDeliver an efficiency saving of 2 per cent.Copies of the Land Registers of Northern Ireland (LRNI) and the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA) Corporate Plans 2003–06 and Business Plans 2003–04 will be deposited in the Northern Ireland Assembly during the week commencing 12 May 2003. Copies will also be placed in the Libraries of both Houses.
24WSThe Ministerial Targets for LRNI for the period 1 April 2003–31 March 2004 are as follows:
To achieve a 75 per cent. customer satisfaction rate, based on customer surveys;To achieve a registration accuracy rate of at least 98.5 per cent.;To process regular Land Registry dealings in an average of 20 days;To process regular Registry of Deeds dealings in an average of 6 days;To process regular Statutory Charges Registry dealings in an average of 15 days;To process pre-completion land information applications in an average of 4 days;To achieve a weighted unit cost target (inclusive of PFI costs) of £29.00;To process 150 application units per member of staff per month;To cover agency costs out of fee income.The Ministerial targets for NISRA for the period 1 April 2003–31 March 2004 are as follows:
Have at least 95 per cent. of customers who responded to the customer satisfaction survey say they are satisfied with the service and products;Improve the quality of service to customers by releasing through electronic media in at least five areas of work;Produce no fewer than 72 statistical and 16 research publications;Ensure that the National Statistics (NS) Code of Practice is implemented and that the processes outlined in the NS protocols are put in place and enforced, in order to promote high quality statistical output and facilitate access to those outputs;Process 98 per cent. of postal and personal applications for GRO certificates within eight and three working days respectively;Introduce the Marriage Regulations (NI) 2003 efficiently and effectively;Produce 2001 Census Area Statistics by summer 2003;Deliver an efficiency saving of 2 per cent;Maintain expenditure within approved budgetary plans.