HC Deb 11 March 2003 vol 401 c12WS
The Secretary of State for Wales (Peter Hain)

A consultation on the future of public sector Ombudsman services in Wales began in November last year when the First Minister of the National Assembly for Wales and I published "Ombudsmen's Services in Wales: Time for change?". That document invited views on a proposal to bring together the offices of Welsh Administration Ombudsman, Health Service Commission Wales and the Commissioner for Local Administration in Wales to create a unified Ombudsman's jurisdiction for Wales, led by a single individual. We undertook to consult further on the precise remit of the new office if the principle of a single jurisdiction was endorsed.

I can announce that responses to the consultation have given the proposal for a single Ombudsman's jurisdiction in Wales almost unanimous support. We will therefore move later this year to a further round of consultation on the jurisdiction and powers of this new Office. Individual copies and a summary of the responses will be placed in the Libraries of both Houses.

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