§ PPG3 encourages local planning authorities when reviewing their development plan to consider whether land currently allocated for employment, and other uses, might be better used for housing or mixed-use developments. The Government's experience is that despite this encouragement many authorities continue to reserve an excess supply when it would make sense to consider this for housing. Through the forthcoming revision of planning guidance on commercial development and industry (currently PPG4), local planning authorities will be required to undertake a review of all land currently allocated for industrial or commercial use. Practice guidance will be provided to help establish realistic assessments of likely take-up.
§ The Government also propose to add new policy to PPG3 to require the reuse of industrial and commercial land for housing unless a convincing case for retention can be made. This proposal is the subject of consultation which is published today. Local planning authorities are reminded that the policy is as stated in PPG3 but that emerging Government policy, in the form of draft policy guidance, can be regarded as a material consideration, depending on the context.