§ The Secretary of State for Trade and Industry (Ms Patricia Hewitt)The Office of Science and Technology undertook a quinquennial review of the Council for Science and Technology in 2002. I received the final report of the review in December 2002.
The Government broadly accept the recommendations of the review. Further work was however needed to decide how it should be followed up. That work is now complete. Copies of the final report of the review, together with details of the Government's plans for CST's future have today been laid in the Library of the House and published on OST's website www. ost.gov. uk.
Amongst other things, the Government have revised CST's terms of reference to make clearer the broad, cross-cutting nature of its remit. CST's new terms of reference are: To advise the Prime Minister1 on the strategic policies and framework for:
sustaining and developing science, engineering and technology (SET) in the UK, and promoting international co-operation in SET;fostering the practice and perception of science, engineering and technology as an integral part of the culture of the UK;promoting excellence in SET education;making more effective use of research and scientific advice in the development and delivery of policy and public services across Government; andpromoting SET-based innovation in business and the public services to promote the sustainable development of the UK economy, the health and quality of life of UK citizens, and global sustainable development.The Council will work on cross-cutting issues of strategic importance. taking a medium to longer term approach. In developing its advice it will take into account the cultural, economic, environmental, ethical and social context of developments in SET.1And possibly the First Ministers of the Devolved Administrations, depending on the outcome of discussions with those Administrations.