HC Deb 17 July 2003 vol 409 c70WS
The Minister of State, Ministry of Defence (Mr. Adam Ingram)

The Chief Executive of the Army Personnel Centre has been set the following Key Targets for 2003–04.To maintain at 94 per cent. the percentage of posts which are manned (excluding posts gapped for less than 28 days and all posts for private soldiers and subaltern officers). The 2002–03 performance was the maintenance of 94 per cent. of posts manned. To maintain at 98 per cent. the proportion of personnel posted in-year by the APC whose rank and Service qualifications meet the specifications of the post. The 2002–03 performance was 97.5 per cent. of personnel posted in-year who met the specifications of the post. To maintain at 65 per cent. the percentage of in-year postings authorised by the APC where personnel are given at least four months notification. The 2002–03 output was 64.8 per cent. of personnel were given at least four months notification. To remain within 0 per cent. to - 1 per cent. of the annual resource allocation whilst achieving targets. The 2002–03 performance was within minus 0.99 per cent. of the annual resource allocation.