HC Deb 14 January 2003 vol 397 c24WS
The Secretary of State for Defence (Mr. Geoffrey Hoon)

In my oral statement to the House on 7 January 2002,Official Report column 23, I announced the deployment of naval and amphibious forces, including 3 Commando Brigade Royal Marines with all supporting elements. They will conduct training in the Mediterranean, with a view to proceeding to the Gulf region if and as required.

3 Commando Brigade Royal Marines will have an integral reconnaissance capability. This will be provided by a number of tracked vehicles. These will be moved by ship and loading will begin shortly. Despatch of Royal Marines personnel and other equipment by air will also begin shortly.

In parallel, preparatory activity continues to ensure the availability and readiness of a range of military options, should they be required. This includes continuing planning activity, exploratory visits and liaison with other military staffs in the region. It also includes the preparation, movement and deployment of enabling equipment that might be required in the event of operations, including logistics, engineering, signals and command vehicles and equipment. This will involve major road movements in the United Kingdom and Germany, and the loading of ships which will sail in the next few days.

As soon as any decision to deploy additional British combat forces to the region is taken, I will inform the House at the earliest opportunity.

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