HC Deb 28 February 2003 vol 400 cc57-8WS

Resources Capital
Change New DEL Of which: voted Non voted Change New DEL Of which: voted Non voted
-965 1,166,432 166,837 999,595 - 163,376 116,495 46,881

The £2,908,000 increase in the voted element of the resource DEL for RfRI arises from the recovery from sale proceeds of £223,000 for repairs to Apethorpe Hall; the transfer of £20,000 administration costs expenditure from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (RfR4) toward the administration costs of local public service agreements (PSAs); a transfer of £749,000 to the Home Office for the Queen's Golden Jubilee Award scheme plus an addition of £351,000 fully offset by a transfer of £1,100,000 from non-Voted resource DEL; a transfer of £1,000,000 to the Department of Trade and Industry for the costs of setting up OFCOM fully offset by a transfer of £1,000,000 from non-Voted resource DEL; and additional resources of £2,760,000 for the costs of the funeral for the late Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother, also fully offset by a reduction in non-Voted resource DEL

The £3,873,000 reduction in the non-voted element of the resource DEL for RfR 1 arises from the transfer of £830,000 from the Departmental Unallocated Provision; the reimbursement of English Heritage of £223,000 for repairs to Apethorpe Hall; a reduction of £4,030,000 in non-Voted resource DEL cover for the Historic Royal Palaces deficit; the provision of additional resources of £14,000 to the Public Lending Right, of £674,000 to English Heritage, and £76,000 to the Broadcasting Standards Commission for the costs of paying accrued superannuation liability contributions in excess of pensions payments following their transfer into the Principal Civil Service Pension Scheme.

The £4,731,000 decrease in the Department's Administration Costs Limit arises from the transfer of £4,751,000 from administration costs to resource DEL as a result of the reclassification of the delivery of services of The Royal Parks; and a transfer of £20,000 administration costs expenditure from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (RfR4) toward the administration costs of local public service agreements (PSAs).

The Voted and non-Voted elements of Capital DEL are unchanged.

(Tessa Jowell)

Subject to Parliamentary approval of the necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Department for Culture, Media and Sport DEL will be reduced by £965,000 from £1,330,773,000 to £1,329,808,000 and the Administration Costs limits will be reduced by £4,731,000 from £42,166,000 to £37,435,000.

Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the table: