HC Deb 28 February 2003 vol 400 c48WS
The Secretary of State for Transport (Mr. Alistair Darling)

Subject to Parliamentary approval of any necessary Supplementary Estimate, the Department for Transport departmental expenditure limit for 2002–03 will be increased by £69,265,000 from £8,928,473,000 to £8,997,738,000 and the administration costs limits will be decreased by £134,940,000 from £479,446,000 to £344,506,000. Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital are as set out in the table:

Within the resource element of the DEL there has been a net transfer of £41,941,000 from voted to non-voted programmes,comprising:

  1. (a) a transfer of £44,833,000 to non-voted DEL in respect of payments against provisions for Government Support liability payments from British Rail and National Freight Company pension funds and from the NFC travel concessions programme;
  2. (b) a transfer of £4,092,000 (administration costs) from non-voted Departmental Unallocated Provision to support voted administration expenditure by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency;
  3. (c) a transfer of £1,200,000 to offset reduced (non-voted) Civil Aviation Authority forecast profit.

In addition to the changes listed above, there has been a net decrease of £187,920,000 in the administration costs limit, comprising:

  1. (a) a reclassification of £147,452,000 administration costs related receipts to now score within administration costs limit; and
  2. (b) a reclassification of £40,468,000 costs of frontline staff from administration costs to costs of the relevant programmes.

The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from:

  1. (i) take up of £652,000 of end year flexibility for the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency;
  2. (ii) a transfer of £2,333,000 to the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister to cover revised forecast;
  3. (iii) a transfer of £85,000 to the resource element of the DEL for automatic traffic counter renewal;
  4. (iv) an increase of £3,548,000 in respect of capital expenditure by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, offset by resource appropriations in aid.

Within the capital element of the DEL there has been a net transfer of £5,510,000 from non-voted to voted programmes, comprising:

  1. (a) a transfer of £11,400,000 from non-voted to voted programmes to meet a Highways Agency pressure;
  2. (b) a transfer of £5,890,000 from voted to non-voted programmes to reflect a change in the treatment of Electronic Service Delivery and Capital Modernisation Fund allocations to trading funds.