HC Deb 28 February 2003 vol 400 cc45-7WS
The Secretary of State for Education and Skills (Mr. Charles Clarke)

This Written Statement explains the changes being proposed to the Department for Education and Skills' Departmental Expenditure Limit (DEL) (including the Office for Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools (OFSTED) which has a separate Estimate), which subject to Parliamentary approval of

Resources Capital
Change £000 New DEL £000 Of which: Voted £000 Non-voted £000 Change £000 New DEL £000 Of which Voted Non- voted £000
RfR 1 428,439 20,050,932 7,395,624 12,655,308 252,015 3,334,477 1,964,018 1,370,459
RfR 2 771 285,404 285,404 0 0 164,008 164,008 0
RfR 3 -176 149,394 149,394 0 0 0 0 0
Total change 429,034 20,485,730 7,830,422 12,655,308 252,015 3,498,485 2,128,026 1,370,459

The £182,716,000 increase in the voted element of the resource DEL for RfR1 arises from the take up of £196,480,000 of End Year Flexibility (EYF) provision; the net transfer from the Home Office of £2,759,000 for Education in Prisons, for Adult Learning, for the Community Champions and for shared premises; the net transfer from the Department for Work and Pensions of £481,000 for Employment Service contribution to shared premises for facility management in Caxton House, for support of Detached National Experts and for Machinery of Government changes adjustment; the transfer from the Department of Health of £33,000 for Education Advisors; from Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of £240,000 for Local Public Service Agreement and from the National Assembly for Wales of £187,000 for the International Education Programme and for Students on Dance & Drama Schemes; the transfer to the Department of Environment Food & Rural Affairs of £500,000 for the school milk subsidy scheme; the net virement of £17,017,000 to non-voted DEL (£22,720,000) for the establishment of the Sector Skills Development Agency (SSDA); (£797,000) for the Student Loans Company Grant in Aid and (£6,500,000) to voted expenditure for the modernisation of Student Support and the take up of Evidence Based Policy Funding of £53,000 for Child Outcome and Parental Characteristics research.

The £3,505,000 increase in the Administration Costs limit for RfR1 arises from the net reclassification virement of £7,826,000 from administration to programme expenditure; transfers of £1,331,000 from the Department for Work and Pensions (£890,000) for the Employment Service contribution for shared premises and for support of Detached National Experts, from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister of

the necessary Supplementary Estimate, will be increased by £681,049,000 from £23,500,366,000 to £23,984,215,000.

There are no Spring Supplementary changes to the OFSTED Estimate and hence they are excluded from the tables below.

The Administration Costs limits which will be changed as follows:

Original £000 Change £000 Revised £000
DfES (RfR1) 207,541 †3,505 211,046
Sure Start (RfR2) 5,450 †1,005 6,455
Children's Fund (RfR3) 4,005 -81 3,924

Within the DEL change, the impact on the resources element and the capital element are as set out in the following table:

(£240,000) and from the Home Office (£201,000) for shared premises, and the take up of £10,000,000 from the End-Year Flexibility provision.

The £771,000 increase in the voted element of resource DEL for RfR2 arises from the take up of EYF of £714,000 and the transfer of £57,000 from the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) towards the administrative costs of the Childcare Policy team.

The £1,005,000 increase in the Administration Costs limit for RfR2 arises from the take up of EYF of £714,000, virement from current grants of £234,000 and the DWP transfer of £57,000.

The reduction in the voted element of resource DEL for RfR3 arises from the transfer of £176,000 (£81,000 is from administration costs) to the Home Office for work associated with the Strategy Programme.

The £200,015,000 increase in the voted element of the Capital DEL for RfR1 arises from the take up of £200,697,000 from EYF for schools and Other Educational Institutions capital projects (of which £88,823,000 is from the Capital Modernisation Fund element of EYF) and the offset of additional former Grant Maintained School loan repayments of £682,000. The £245,723,000 increase in the non-voted element of the resource DEL for RfR1 arises from take up of £229,638,000 of End Year Flexibility provision for funding the Learning and Skills Council (£196,732,000), the Higher Education Funding Council for England (£30,000,000), the Student Loans Company (SLC) (£1,132,000) and the General Teaching Council (£1,774,000); from virements of £22,720,000 for the set-up of the SSDA, the virement of £6,500,000 to resource DEL for the modernisation of Student Support and the virement of £797,000 for SLC and transfers to the Department of Transport of £1,100,000 for the Merchant Navy training Scheme, transfer of £300,000 to the Department of Health for the Clinical Scientist Scheme and the transfer from the DWP of £468,000 to pay for Adult Learning Inspectorate inspection of training providers used by JobcentrePlus.

The £52,000,000 increase in the non-voted element of the capital DEL for RfR1 arises from the draw down of £51,000,000 from EYF provision for the Learning Skills Council (£40,500,000), for Teachers Training Agency (£6,500,000) and HEFCE (£4,000,000) and the transfer of £1,000,000 from the Department of Health for the Research Capacity Development programme.

Resources Capital
Change New DEL Of which: voted Non voted Change New DEL Of which: voted Non voted
67,483 3,320,718 1,888,498 1,432,220 1,782 5,677,020 3,369,387 2,307,633

The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from:

  1. (i) take up of £66,784,000 end year flexibility, comprising:
    1. (a) £17,000,000 for programme expenditure by the Highways Agency;
    2. (b) £4,636,000 (administration costs) for administration expenditure by the Highways Agency;
    3. (c) £9,118,000 (administration costs) for administration expenditure by the Department for Transport; and
    4. (d) £36,030,000 (administration costs) for administration expenditure by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.
  2. (ii) a net transfer of £4,162,000 to other government departments, comprising:
    1. (a) £1,627,000 (administration costs) from the Home Office to support DVLA's Vehicle Crime Reduction initiative
    2. (b) £1,444,000 (administration costs) from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister following Machinery of Government changes;
    3. (c) £1,100,000 from the Department for Education and Skills for SMarT seafarer maritime training by the Maritime and Coastguard Agency;
    4. (d) £179,000 to the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for Energy Efficiency Best Practice programmes;
    5. (e) £75,000 (administration costs) from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister for local Public Service Agreement (PSA) costs;
    6. (e) £8,000 (other current) from the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister following Machinery of Government changes;
    7. (f) £50,000 from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office for the Hamilton project;
    8. (g) £50,000 (administration costs) from the Office for National Statistics for work done on the Neighbourhood Statistics programme;
    9. (h) £43,000 to the Department of Trade and Industry for the Framework 5 GROWTH programme; and
  3. (i) £20,000 from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and £10,000 from the Department of Health for the World Health Organisation PEP project;
  4. (iii) a transfer of £85,000 from the capital element of the DEL to the resource element for automatic traffic counter renewal;
  5. (iv) an increase in receipts of £3,548,000 to offset capital expenditure by the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency.
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