§ The Secretary of State for Trade and Industry (Ms Patricia Hewitt)Subject to Parliamentary approval of the necessary supplementary estimate the Department of Trade and Industry's DEL will be increased by £406,225,000 from £4,357,019,000 to £4,763,244,000 and the Administration Costs limit will be increased by £17,483,000 from £405,704,000 to £423,187,000.
Within the DEL change, the impact on resources and capital is as set out in the following table:
41WSThe change in the resource element of the DEL arises from
(i) utilisation of £5,892,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement for the Small Business Service Invest to Save Local Competitiveness project;
(ii) utilisation of £11,000,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement for Rover Task Force, of which £520,000 is to be transferred to the Department for Education and Skills for MG Rover training;
(iii) utilisation of £40,000 from the Capital Modernisation Fund in respect of the Evidence Based Policy Fund project;
(iv) of £40,000 from non-Voted Regional Development Agency expenditure to record increased voted Departmental expenditure on the Evidence Based Policy Fund project;
(v) transfer of £105,000 from the Department of Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in relation to the Farm Business Advice Scheme;
(vi) transfer of £156,000 to British Trade International in respect of Japan Electronics Business Association and Pacific Rim Electronics Business Association;
(vii) utilisation of £15,000,000 from the Departmental Unallocated Provision for the Partnership Fund (Partnership at Work with the TUC & CBI);
(viii) transfer of £400,000 to the National Assembly for Wales for Manufacturing Advice Service for Regional Centre for Manufacturing Excellence in Wales;
(ix) transfer of £116,000 from the Department for Education and Science for the Marine Skills Database Project;
(x) an increase of £22,133,000 in non Voted Regional Development Agency expenditure offset by an increase in voted appropriations in aid of an equivalent amount to reflect additional receipts from several other government departments (mainly the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister);
(xi) utilisation of £5,700,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement for University Innovation Centres;
(xii) utilisation of £4,600,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement for additional funding to Ofcom;
(xiii) transfer of £30,000 to the Home Office for Crimes Against Business;
(xiv) transfer of £30,000 to the Department for Education and Science for Support for Enterprising Communities;
(xv) transfer of £2,538,000 to the Scottish Executive for innovative schemes to extend broadband networks;
42WS(xvi) transfer of £1,335,000 to the National Assembly for Wales for innovative schemes to extend broadband networks;
(xvii) utilisation of £14,400,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement for ISERBS;
(xviii) transfer of £ 100,000 in relation to Invest UK DTI Funded Overseas the FCO;
(xix) utilisation of £2,000,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement for development of "Oracle Hi";
(xx) transfer of £225,000 to the Scottish Executive in connection with Stop Now Orders (New Burdens);
(xxi) utilisation of £2,000,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement to increase the department's subscription to the International Atomic Energy Agency;
(xxii) utilisation of £ 1,100,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement to fund increased expenditure on the Partnership Training Fund manufacturing package;
(xxiii) utilisation of £1,300,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement to fund increased expenditure on the National Minimum Wage;
(xxiv) utilisation of £2,000,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement to fund increased expenditure on duty to consider flexible working;
(xxv) utilisation of £900,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement for legal costs;
(xxvi) utilisation of £348,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement transferred from the Department for Education and Science for the Work-life Balance Invest to Save project;
(xxvii) utilisation of £8,700,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement to make an agreed programme to administration virement in support of ACAS, the Insolvency Service, coal health claims and the Office of Civil Nuclear Security);
(xxviii) utilisation of £1,500,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement to make an agreed programme to administration virement in support of the establishment of the Liabilities Management Authority;
(xxix) utilisation of £4,500,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement in support of the establishment of the Liabilities Management Authority;
(xxx) utilisation of £256,000 in administration costs in respect of the Evidence Based Policy Capital Modernisation Fund Project;
(xxxi) utilisation of £548,000 of Invest to Save funding for Claims Handling in the Redundancy Payments Scheme (CHIRPS);
43WS(xxxii) transfer of £3,230,000 in administration costs, £200,000 in programme and £7,005,000 in non Voted expenditure from the Cabinet Office to reflect Machinery of Government transfers in respect of Women and Equality and the Equal Opportunities Commission;
(xxxiii) utilisation of £300,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement to fund National Weights and Measures Laboratory market development;
(xxxiv) transfer of £3,319,000 from capital to administration in connection with British Trade International to fund IT development under the ELGAR PFI contract;
(xxxv) utilisation of £6,700,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement to increase non Voted Coal Authority expenditure for minewater liabilities;
(xxxvi) utilisation of £5,800,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement for the Competition Commission;
(xxxvii) utilisation of £300,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement to increase non voted expenditure of SITPRO;
(xxxviii) removal from DEL of £5,000 in voted recoveries of coal health claim overpayments.
(i) utilisation of £25,000 from the Departmental Unallocated Provision to increase Grant to the Royal Society for the foot and mouth enquiry;
(ii) utilisation of £9,076,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement for Knowledge Transfer;
(iii) transfer of £75,000 to the Department of Health for Human Genetic Research;
(iv) utilisation of £1,023,000 from the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement for increased non voted expenditure by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council;
(v) utilisation of £8,000,000 from the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement to make an agreed capital to resource virement for non voted expenditure by the Medical Research Council;
(vi) utilisation of £712,000 from the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement to increase non Voted expenditure by the Medical Research Council;
(vii) utilisation of £4,450,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement to increase non Voted expenditure by the Natural Environment Research Council;
(viii) utilisation of £5,352,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement to increase non Voted expenditure by the Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council;
44WS(ix) utilisation of £83,000 of the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement to increase non-voted expenditure of the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council.
2. There is also an increase in non-Voted expenditure on liabilities of £27,700,000 (£20,100,000 on the Coal Operating Subsidy, £2,000,000 on Enemy Property Claims, £2,900,000 on coal redundancy packages and £2,700,000 on compensation to trawlermen), and the removal from DEL of £357,400 of non voted expenditure on coal health liabilities and £399,895,000 of CFER receipts related to coal pension fund surpluses.
The change in the capital element of the DEL arises from
(i) utilisation of £1,400,000 capital from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement for Rover Task Force;
(ii) utilisation of £3,250,000 from the Capital Modernisation Fund project for business.gov;
(iii) utilisation of £4,300,000 capital from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement for University Innovation Centres;
(iv) utilisation of £ 10,100,000 from the unused balance of the Department's capital end-year flexibility entitlement to offset a shortfall in launch aid receipts;
(v) utilisation of £48,500,000 from the unused balance of the Department's capital end-year flexibility entitlement for the Rolls Royce Trent 600 and 900 projects;
(vi) provision of £48,500,000 from the reserve for the Rolls Royce Trent 600 and 900 projects;
(vii) utilisation of £2,700,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement to fund increased expenditure on Parental Leave;
(viii) utilisation of £700,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement for the Employment Tribunals Service;
(ix) utilisation of £233,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement for the Employment Tribunals Service Capital Modernisation Fund project;
(x) utilisation of £10,000 capital from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement transferred from the Department for Education and Science for the Work-life Balance Invest to Save project;
(xi) transfer of £3,319,000 from capital to administration in connection with British Trade International to fund IT development under the ELGAR PFI contract;
(xii) virement of £5,000,000 from non Voted Regional Development Agency expenditure to departmental capital for accommodation;
(xiii) transfer of £15,000 from the Departmental Unallocated Provision (capital) to fund a grant to the UK Science Parks Association;
45WS(xiv) utilisation of £8,500,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement for the Competition Commission.
(i) utilisation of £1,458,000 from the unused balance of the Department's resource end-year flexibility entitlement to make a virement to capital to fund increased non voted expenditure by the Natural Environment Research Council;
(ii) utilisation of £4,358,000 from the unused balance of the Department's end-year flexibility entitlement to fund increased non voted expenditure by the Natural Environment Research Council;
Resources (£000) Capital (£000) Change New DEL Of which: voted Non-voted Change New DEL Of which: voted Non-voted 1 637 -221 858 0 804 766 38 The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from the partial take up of £713,000 end year flexibility, of which £472,000 is required for additional consultancy, £91,000 for legal costs and £150,000 for an extension to the twinning with Poland programme under the EU's PHARE initiative. The increase will be offset by a corresponding increase in appropriations in aid.
Resources (£000) Capital (£000) Change New DEL Of which: voted Non-voted Change New DEL Of which: voted Non-voted 77 48,245 48,245 0 0 2,398 2,398 0 The change in the resource element of the DEL arises from the following:
(i) the take up of end year flexibility of £77,000 in respect of the ring-fenced Invest to Save Budget approved by Parliament.
(ii) the provision of a decrease of £717k in gross resources and (ii) Appropriations in Aid, resulting from a reduction in expected income from Competition Act notifications and recovered legal fees, the departure of minor occupiers from the building, and the end to the provision of common services to other departments. In addition, the reflection of changes in accounting policy on EC receipts to bring OFT in line with other government departments.
The increases in the above Estimates will be offset by transfers or charges to the DEL Reserve and will not therefore add to the planned total of Public expenditure.