HC Deb 19 November 2002 vol 394 cc14-6WS
The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defence (Dr. Lewis Moonie)

The Medical Manning and Retention Review has recently been completed. It was conducted inclusively, with the involvement of the British Medical and Dental Associations and NHS representation. The Review was undertaken against the background of serious manning shortfalls among medical and dental officers in the Defence Medical Services (DMS). It complements the work of the Medical Quinquennial Review (MQR) and its recommendations will be taken forward in parallel with those of the MQR. The Review will inform the Ministry of Defence paper of evidence to the Armed Forces Pay Review Body (AFPRB) for the 2003 pay round.

The Review has involved a detailed examination of the manning requirement and how this should be met. It has also examined the factors which influence medical and dental officer manning and, to assist in this, an independent human resources consultant was employed to obtain the views of serving medical and dental officers and those who had recently left the Armed Forces. As part of the Review, comparisons were made with pay and conditions of service in the NHS and other potential areas of employment. The MOD's existing proposals for aligning the terms of service of medical and dental officers across the three Services were also re-examined.

The Review concluded that three main issues needed to be addressed if the necessary improvements in recruitment and retention were to be achieved: overstretch; pay and pensions; and the quality of life. It made a number of recommendations covering both remuneration and non-financial issues. The main recommendations are: New pay arrangements, endorsed by the AFPRB, which will form the basis for our evidence on medical and dental officers' pay to the AFPRB early in the New Year. It is planned that the new pay structure will be implemented in two phases; the first, which contains most of the changes, with effect from 1 April 2003, and the second with effect from 1 April 2004; Interim improvements to the pension arrangements for DMS medical and dental officers in advance of the introduction of a final salary scheme for all military personnel around 2005–6; Introduction of "Golden hellos" not exceeding £50,000 gross for a commensurate 5-year return of service to improve direct entry recruiting in those medical specialities that are in short supply and have a significant deployment base

The Review also addressed the need further to strengthen management processes across the DMS and proposed a range of recommendations encompassing management, career and quality of life issues which will receive urgent action.

The outcome of the Review will provide a significant opportunity to build on the work of the MQR and maintain focus on the two key defence medical outputs—deployable operational medical capability, and timely appropriate healthcare for Service personnel. The Government is committed to providing modern and

Weekly rates unless otherwise shown
2002 2003
Attendance Allowance
higher rate 56.25 57.20
lower rate 37.65 38.30
Child Benefit
—only, elder or eldest for whom child benefit is payable (couple) 15.75 16.05
—only, elder or eldest for whom child benefit is payable (lone parent) 17.55 17.55
—each subsequent child 10.55 10.75
Council Tax Benefit
Personal allowances
18 to 24 42.70 43.25
25 or over 53.95 54.65
lone parent—18 or over 53.95 54.65
couple—one or both over 18 84.65 85.75
Dependent Children
from birth to September following 16th birthday 37.00 38.50
from September following 16th birthday to day before 19th birthday 37.80 38.50
Pensioner (from October 2003)
single—60 to 64 102.10
couple—one or both 60 to 64 155.80
single—65 and over 116.90
couple—one or both 65 and over 175.00
family 14.75 15.75
family (lone parent rate) 22.20 22.20
single 44.20 47.45
couple 65.15 70.05
pensioner (enhanced)
single 44.20 47.45
couple 65.15 70.05
pensioner (higher)
single 44.20 47.45
couple 65.15 70.05
single 23.00 23.30
couple 32.80 33.25
enhanced disability premium single rate 11.25 11.40
disabled child rate 11.25 16.60
couple rate 16.25 16.45
severe disability
single 42.25 42.95
couple (one qualifies) 42.25 42.95
couple (both qualify) 84.50 85.90
disabled child 35.50 41.30
carer 24.80 25.10
bereavement 21.55 22.80
Allowance for personal expenses for claimants in hospital
higher rate 18.90 19.35
lower rate 15.10 15.50

forward-looking Defence Medical Services fit to meet the challenges we expect to face in the twenty-first century.

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