HL Deb 10 March 2005 vol 670 cc94-102WA
Lord Blaker

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What are the names, countries of origin, legal backgrounds and judicial experience of each of the members of the European Court of Justice. [ML1524]

Baroness Crawley

The following information can be found on the European Court of Justice's website at www.curia.eu.int.

Vassilios Skouris, Greece

Graduated in law from the Free University, Berlin (1970); awarded doctorate in constitutional and administrative law at Hamburg University (1973); Assistant Professor at Hamburg University (1972–77); Professor of Public Law at Bielefeld University (1978); Professor of Public Law at the University of Thessaloniki (1982); Director of the Centre for International and European Economic Law, Thessaloniki (from 1997); President of the Greek Association for European Law (1992–94); Member of the Academic Council of the Academy of European Law, Trier (from 1995); Member of the Administrative Board of the Greek National Judges' College (1995–96); Judge at the Court of Justice since 8 June 1999; President of the Court of Justice since 7 October 2003.

Francis Geoffrey Jacobs, United Kingdom

Barrister; Queen's Counsel Official in the Secretariat of the European Commission of Human Rights; Legal Secretary to Advocate General J.P. Warner; Professor of European Law, University of London; Director, Centre of European Law, King's College London; Author of several works on European law; Advocate General at the Court of Justice since 7 October 1988.

Claus Christian Gulmann, Denmark

Official at the Ministry of Justice; Legal Secretary to Judge Max Sorensen; Professor of Public International Law and Dean of the Law School of the University of Copenhagen; in private practice; Chairman and member of arbitral tribunals; Member of Administrative Appeal Tribunal; Advocate General at the Court of Justice from 7 October 1991 to 6 October 1994; Judge at the Court of Justice since 7 October 1994.

Antonio Mario La Pergola, Italy

Professor of Constitutional Law and General and Comparative Public Law at the Universities of Padua, Bologna and Rome; Member of the High Council of the Judiciary (1976–78); Member of the Constitutional Court and President of the Constitutional Court (1986–87); Judge at the Court of Justice from 7 October 1994 to 31 December 1994; Advocate General at the Court of Justice from 1 January 1995 to 14 December 1999; Judge at the Court of Justice since 15 December 1999.

Jean-Pierre Puissochet, France

State Counsellor (France); Director, subsequently Director-General, of the Legal Service of the Council of the European Communities (1968–73); Director of Legal Affairs of the OECD (1979–85); Jurisconsult, Director of Legal Affairs in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1987–94); Judge at the Court of Justice since 7 October 1994.

Philippe Léger, France

A member of the judiciary serving at the Ministry for Justice (1966–70); Deputy Director of Criminal Affairs and Reprieves at the Ministry of Justice (1978–83); Senior Member of the Court of Appeal, Paris (1983–86); Deputy Director of the Private Office of the Minister for Justice, Minister for Justice (1986); President of the Regional Court at Bobigny (1986–93); Head of the Private Office of the Minister for Justice, and Advocate General at the Court of Appeal, Paris (1993–94); Associate Professor at René Descartes University (Paris V) (1988–93); Advocate General at the Court of Justice since 7 October 1994.

Peter Jann, Austria

Doctor of Law of the University of Vienna (1957); appointed Judge and assigned to the Federal Ministry of Justice (1961); Judge in press matters at the Straf-Bezirksgericht, Vienna (1963–66); spokesman of the Federal Ministry of Justice (1966–70) and subsequently appointed to the international affairs department of that Ministry; Adviser to the Justice Committee and spokesman at the Parliament (1973–78); appointed as Member of the Constitutional Court (1978); permanent Judge-Rapporteur at that court until the end of 1994; Judge at the Court of Justice since 19 January 1995.

Dámaso Ruiz-Jarabo Colomer, Spain

Judge at the Consejo General del Poder Judicial (General Council of the Judiciary); Professor; Head of the Private Office of the President of the Consejo General del Poder Judicial; ad hoc Judge to the European Court of Human Rights; Judge at the Tribunal Supremo (Supreme Court) from 1996; Advocate General at the Court of Justice since 19 January 1995.

Romain Schintgen, Luxembourg

Judge at the Court of First Instance from 25 September 1989 to 11 July 1996; Judge at the Court of Justice since 12 July 1996.

Ninon Colneric, Germany

Awarded a doctorate in law by the university of Munich; Judge at the Arbeitsgericht Oldenburg; authorised, by the University of Bremen, to teach labour law, sociology of law and social law; Professor ad interim at the faculty of law of the universities of Frankfurt and Bremen; President of the Landesarbeitsgericht Schleswig-Holstein (1989); collaboration, as expert, on the European Expertise Service (EU) project for the reform of the labour law of Kirghizstan (1994–95); Honorary Professor at the University of Bremen in labour law, specifically in European labour law; Judge at the Court of Justice since 15 July 2000.

Stig von Bahr, Sweden

Appointed Judge in the Kammarratten (Administrative Court of Appeal), Gothenburg, in 1981 and Justice of the Regeringsratten (Supreme Administrative Court) in 1985; has published a large number of articles, mainly on the subject of tax legislation; Judge at the Court of Justice since 7 October 2000.

Antonio Tizzano, Italy

Legal Counsel to Italy's Permanent Representation to the European Communities (1984–92); Member of the Bar at the Court of Cassation and other higher courts; Member of the Italian delegation in international negotiations and at intergovernmental conferences including those on the Single European Act and the Maastricht Treaty; various editorial positions; Member of the Independent Group of Experts appointed to examine the finances of the European Commission (1999); Professor of European Law, Director of the Institute of International and European Law (University of Rome); Advocate General at the Court of Justice since 7 October 2000.

José Narciso da Cunha Rodrigues, Portugal

Various offices within the judiciary (1964–77); Government assignments to carry out and co-ordinate studies on reform of the judicial system; Government Agent to the European Commission of Human Rights and the European Court of Human Rights (1980–84); Expert on the Human Rights Steering Committee of the Council of Europe (1980–85); Member of the Review Commission of the Criminal Code and the Code of Criminal Procedure; Attorney-General (1984–2000); Member of the Supervisory Committee of the European Union Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) (1999–2000); Judge at the Court of Justice since 7 October 2000.

Christiaan Willem Anton Timmermans, Netherlands

Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Communities (1966–69); Doctor of Laws (University of Leiden); Professor of European Law at the University of Groningen (1977–89); Deputy Justice at Arnhem Court of Appeal; various editorial positions; Deputy Director-General at the Legal Service of the European Commission (1989–2000); Professor of European Law at the University of Amsterdam; Judge at the Court of Justice since 7 October 2000.

Leendert A. Geelhoed, Netherlands

Research Assistant, University of Utrecht (1970–71); Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Communities (1971–74); Senior Adviser, Ministry of Justice (1975–82); Advocate General at the Court of Justice since 7 October 2000.

Christine Stix-Hacki, Austria

Doctor of Laws (University of Vienna), postgraduate studies in European Law at the College of Europe, Bruges; expert on European Union matters in the office of the Legal Adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1985–88); Legal Service of the European Commission (1989); Head of the "Legal Service-EU" in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (1992–2000, Minister Plenipotentiary); Agent of the Republic of Austria at the Court of Justice of the European Communities from 1995; Austrian Consul-General in Zurich (2000); teaching assignments and publications; Advocate-General at the Court of Justice since 7 October 2000.

Allan Rosas, Finland

Doctor of Laws (1977) of the University of Turku (Finland); Professor of Law at the University of Turku (1978–81) and at the Åbo Akademi University (Turku/ Abo) (1981–96); Director of the latter's Institute for Human Rights (1985–95); co-ordinated several international and national research projects and programmes, including in the fields of EU law, international law, humanitarian and human rights law, constitutional law and comparative public administration; expert functions in relation to Finnish legal life, including in governmental law commissions and committees of the Finnish Parliament, as well as the UN, UNESCO, OSCE (CSCE) and the Council of Europe; from 1995 Principal Legal Adviser at the Legal Service of the European Commission, in charge of external relations; from March 2001, Deputy Director-General of the European Commission Legal Service; Judge at the Court of Justice since 17 January 2002.

Rosario Silva de Lapuerta, Spain

Bachelor of Laws (Universidad Complutense, Madrid); Abogado del Estado in Malaga; Abogado del Estado at the Legal Service of the Ministry of Transport, Tourism and Communication and, subsequently, at the Legal Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs; Head Abogado del Estado of the State Legal Service for Cases before the Court of Justice of the European Communities and Deputy Director-General of the Community and International Legal Assistance Department (Ministry of Justice); Member of the Commission think tank on the future of the Community judicial system; Head of the Spanish delegation in the "Friends of the Presidency" Group with regard to the reform of the Community judicial system in the Treaty of Nice and of the Council ad hoc working party on the Court of Justice; Professor of Community law at the Diplomatic School, Madrid; Co-director of the journal Noticias de la Union Europea; Judge at the Court of Justice since 7 October 2003.

Koen Lenaerts, Belgium

PhD in Law (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven); Master of Laws, Master in Public Administration (Harvard University); Lecturer (1979–83), subsequently Professor of European Law, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (since 1983); Legal Secretary at the Court of Justice (1984–85); Professor at the College of Europe, Bruges (1984–89); Member of the Brussels Bar (1986–89); Visiting Professor at the Harvard Law School (1989); Judge at the Court of First Instance of the European Communities from 25 September 1989 to 6 October 2003; Judge at the Court of Justice since 7 October 2003.

Juliane Kokott, Germany

Law studies (Universities of Bonn and Geneva); LLM (American University/Washington DC): Doctor of Laws (Heidelberg University, 1985; Harvard University, 1990); visiting professor at the University of California, Berkeley (1991); Professor of German and foreign public law, international law and European law at the Universities of Augsburg,(1992), Heidelberg (1993) and Dnsseldorf (1994); deputy judge for the Federal Government at the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration of the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE); Professor of International Law, International Business Law and European Law at the University of St Gallen (1999); Director of the Institute for European and International Business Law at the University of St Gallen (2000); Deputy Director of the Master of Business Law programme at the University of St Gallen (2001); Advocate General at the Court of Justice since 7 October 2003.

Luls Miguel Poiares Pessoa Maduro, Portugal

Degree in law (University of Lisbon, 1990); assistant lecturer (European University Institute, 1991); Doctor of Laws (European University Institute, Florence, 1996); visiting professor (College of Europe, Natolin; Ortega y Gasset Institute, Madrid; Catholic University, Portugal; Institute of European Studies, Macao); Professor (Universidade Nova, Lisbon, 1997); Fulbright Visiting Research Fellow (Harvard University, 1998); co-director of the Academy of International Trade Law; co-editor (Hart Series on European Law and Integration, European Law Journal) and member of the editorial board of several law journals; Advocate General at the Court of Justice since 7 October 2003.

Konrad Hermann Theodor Schiemann, United Kingdom

Law degrees at Cambridge University; Barrister 1964–80; Queen's Counsel 1980–86. Justice of the High Court of England and Wales 1986–95; Lord Justice of Appeal 1995–2003; Bencher from 1985 and Treasurer in 2003 of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple; Judge at the Court of Justice since 8 January 2004.

Jerzy Makarczyk, Poland

Doctor of Laws (1966); Professor of Public International Law (1974); author of several works on public international law, European Community law and human rights law; member of several learned societies in the field of international law, European law and human rights law; Judge at the European Court of Human Rights (1992–2002); President of the Institut de droit international (2003); Judge at the Court of Justice since 11 May 2004.

Pranas Kuris, Lithuania

Graduated in law from the University of Vilnius (1961); Doctorate in legal science, University of Moscow (1965); Doctor in legal science (Dr. hab), University of Moscow (1973); Research Assistant at the Institut des hautes études internationales (Director: Professor C. Rousseau), University of Paris (1967–68); Doctor honoris causa of the Law University of Lithuania (2001); Lecturer, Assistant Professor, Professor of Public International Law, Dean of the Faculty of Law; Judge at the (old) European Court of Human Rights (June 1994 to November 1998); Judge at the Supreme Court of Lithuania and subsequently President of the Supreme Court (December 1994 to October 1998); Judge at the European Court of Human Rights (from November 1998); Judge at the Court of Justice since 11 May 2004.

Endre Juhasz, Hungary

Graduated in law from the University of Szeged, Hungary (1967); Hungarian Bar Entrance Examinations (1970); post-graduate studies in comparative law, University of Strasbourg, France (1969, 1970, 1971, 1972); Judge at the Court of Justice since 11 May 2004.

George Arestis, Cyprus

Graduated in law from the University of Athens (1968); M.A. in comparative politics and government, University of Kent at Canterbury (1970); practice as a lawyer in Cyprus (1972–82); appointed District Court Judge (1982); Promoted to the post of President of the District Court (1995); Administrative President of the District Court of Nicosia (1997–2003); Judge at the Supreme Court of Cyprus (2003); Judge at the Court of Justice since 11 May 2004.

Anthony Borg Barthet, Malta

Doctorate in Law at the Royal University of Malta in 1973; entered the Maltese Civil Service as Notary to the Government in 1975; Counsel for the Republic in 1978, Senior Counsel for the Republic in 1979, Assistant Attorney-General in 1988 and appointed Attorney-General by the President of Malta in 1989; part-time lecturer in civil law at the University of Malta (1985–89); Member of the Commission for the Administration of Justice (1994–2004); Member of the Board of Governors of the Malta Arbitration Centre (1998–2004); Judge at the Court of Justice since 11 May 2004.

Marko Ilěič, Slovenia

Doctor of Law (University of Ljubljana); specialist in comparative law (Universities of Strasbourg and Coimbra); Member of the Bar; Judge at the Labour Court, Ljubljana (1975–86); Arbitrator at the Arbitration Court of the Triglav Insurance Company (1990–98); Chairman of the Stock Exchange Appellate Chamber (from 1995); Arbitrator at the Stock Exchange Arbitration Court (from 1998); Arbitrator at the Chamber of Commerce of Yugoslavia (until 1991) and Slovenia (from 1991); Arbitrator at the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris; Judge at the Board of Appeals of UEFA (from 1988) and FIFA (from 2000); President of the Union of Slovenian Lawyers' Associations; Member of the International Law Association, of the International Maritime Committee and of several other international legal societies; Professor of Civil Law, Commercial Law and Private International Law; Dean of the Faculty of Law at the University of Ljubljana; author of numerous legal publications; Judge at the Court of Justice since 11 May 2004.

Jirt Malenovkỳ Czech Republic

Doctor of Law from the Charles University in Prague (1975); Senior faculty member (1974–90), Vice-Dean (1989–91) and Head of the Department of International and European Law (1990–92) at Masaryk University in Brno; Judge at the Constitutional Court of Czechoslovakia (1992); President of the Czech and Slovak branch of the International Law Association (1999–2001); Judge at the Constitutional Court (2000–04); Member of the Legislative Council (1998–2000); Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague (2000); Professor of Public International Law at Masaryk University, Brno (2001): Judge at the Court of Justice since 11 May 2004.

Jan Klučcka, Slovakia

Doctor of Law from the University of Bratislava (1974); Professor of International Law at Kosice University (since 1975); Judge at the Constitutional Court (1993); Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague (1994); Member of the Venice Commission (1994); Chairman of the Slovakian Association of International Law (2002); Judge at the Court of Justice since 11 May 2004.

Una Lõhmus, Estonia

Doctor of Law in 1986; Member of the Bar (1977–98); Visiting Professor of Criminal Law at Tartu University; Judge at the European Court of Human Rights (1994–98); Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Estonia (1998–2004); Member of the Committee for Legal Expertise of the Constitution; consultant to the working group drafting the Criminal Code; member of the working group for the drafting of the Criminal Procedure Code; author of several works on human rights and constitutional law; Judge at the Court of Justice since 11 May 2004.

Egils Levits, Latvia

Graduated in law and in political science from the University of Hamburg; research assistant at the Faculty of Law, University of Kiel; Adviser to Latvian Parliament on questions of international law, constitutional law and legislative reform; Conciliator at the Court of Conciliation and Arbitration within OSCE (from 1997); Member of the Permanent Court of Arbitration (from 2001); elected as Judge to the European Court of Human Rights in 1995, re-elected in 1998 and 2001; numerous publications in the spheres of constitutional and administrative law, law reform and European Community law; Judge at the Court of Justice since 11 May 2004.

Aindrias O'Caoimh, Ireland

Bachelor in Civil Law (National University of Ireland, University College Dublin, 1971); Barrister (King's Inns, 1972); Diploma in European Law (University College Dublin, 1977); Barrister (Bar of Ireland, 1972–99); Lecturer in European Law (King's Inns, Dublin); Senior Counsel (1994–99); Representative of the Government of Ireland on many occasions before the Court of Justice of the European Communities; Judge at the High Court (from 1999); Bencher of the Honourable Society of King's Inns (since 1999); Vice-President of the Irish Society of European Law; member of the International Law Association (Irish Branch); member of the Court of Justice 1974–85; Judge at the Court of Justice since 13 October 2004.

Roger Grass, France

Graduate of the Institut d'études politiques, Paris, and awarded higher degree in public law; Deputy Procureur de la République attached to the Tribunal de grande instance, Versailles; Principal Administrator at the Court of Justice; Secretary-Général in the office of the Procureur General attached to the Court of Appeal, Paris; Legal Secretary to the President of the Court of Justice; Registrar at the Court of Justice since 10 February 1994.