HL Deb 10 January 2005 vol 668 cc10-1WA
Earl Howe

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How many cases of heterosexually acquired HIV have been diagnosed in the United Kingdom in the past five years for which figures are available; how many are thought to have been acquired overseas; and of those how many are thought to have been acquired in Africa; and [HL395]

How many cases of HIV thought to have been acquired heterosexually in Africa were diagnosed in the United Kingdom in each of the years 1999 to 2003, analysed by country of origin. [HL396]

Lord Warner

Information about diagnoses of heterosexually acquired HIV infection in the United Kingdom is contained in the Health Protection Agency's (HPA) reportFocus on prevention: HIV and other sexually transmitted infections in the United Kingdom in 2003—an update: November 2004. This report is available on the HPA's website at http://www.hpa.org.uk/infections/topics—az/hiv—and— sti/publications/annual2004/annual2004.htm.