HC Deb 07 September 2004 vol 424 c1017W
Sue Doughty

To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what total tonnage of hazardous waste was(a) treated and (b) disposed of by English Partnerships projects in each of the last five years; what tonnage in each year was (i) consigned to landfill and (ii) decontaminated through onsite remediation; and what the projected tonnages are for 2004–05 in each case. [187161]

Keith Hill

I have been asked to reply.

English Partnerships does not itself record the tonnages of materials—hazardous or otherwise treated or disposed of from projects where it has a core interest. To collate such information from records maintained by partner regional development agencies (who usually lead on coalfields projects) and contractors across the country could only be achieved at a disproportionate cost.

However, a sense of the scale of activity involved may be drawn from the following estimated numbers of projects contributing to EP's "area of land reclaimed" outputs in each of the last five years. The bulk of activity is through EP's well developed business and projects in the National Coalfields Programme and land reclamation works for sites in the Urban Regenaration Companies' and Millennium Communities' areas.

No. of projects involving treatment of

disposal of hazardous/contaminated

material in any given year1

Year National Coalfields


Other projects
1999–00 19 1
2000–01 25 0
2001–02 17 0
2002–03 15 1
2003–04 10 5
1For most sites remediation works carry over a number of years and will therefore appear more than once in the totals.

These totals are expected to increase in 2004–05 and beyond as EP's involvement in large scale brownfield site assembly increases in line with its business focus as set out in the Sustainable Communities Plan.