HL Deb 25 October 2004 vol 665 cc103-4WA
Lord Lester of Herne Hill

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is the total United Kingdom public expenditure so far incurred in respect of (a) military action; (b) policing; (c) stabilising the interim government; and (d) reconstructing the infrastructure in Iraq. [HL4346]

The Minister of State, Foreign and Commonwealth Office (Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean)

My right honourable Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer set aside £3 billion in Budget 2003 as a special reserve to cover the cost of operations in Iraq; £1 billion was drawn down by the Ministry of Defence in the spring supplementary estimate for 2002–03.

The remaining £2 billion of this special reserve was carried forward to 2003–04. The Ministry of Defence drew down £1,539 million in the 2003–04 winter and spring supplementary estimates.

In the Pre-Budget Report 2003 the Chancellor announced a further £500 million for the special reserve in the financial year 2003–04 and a further £300 million for Iraq in 2004–05.

Since May 2003, the Iraq strategy of the Global Conflict Prevention Pool (GCPP) has received a total allocation of £24 million. Of this, £22.2 million has already been spent, or committed, on conflict prevention projects in Iraq, including work with the Iraqi Police Service.

The UK made a total financial commitment towards Iraq's reconstruction of £544 million for the three years from April 2003, including our share of proposed European Community spending in Iraq. To date, the Government, through the Department for International Development (DfID), have committed over £331 million for humanitarian and reconstruction assistance in Iraq, including projects to increase capacity in Iraqi government ministries.

Lord Lester of Herne Hill

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What is their estimate of the total United Kingdom public expenditure that will be incurred in 2004–05 in respect of (a) military action; (b) policing; (c) stabilising the interim government; and (d) reconstructing the infrastructure in Iraq. [HL4347]

Baroness Symons of Vernham Dean

It is too early to assess the military costs for 2004–05.

It is estimated that £19 million will be spent through the Global Conflict Prevention Pool (GCPP) on conflict prevention projects in Iraq during 2004–05. This projected spend includes projects with the Iraqi Police Service.

The Department for International Development (DfID) estimates that it will spend £91 million on reconstruction assistance to Iraq during 2004–05, including projects to increase capacity in Iraqi government ministries.