HL Deb 18 October 2004 vol 665 c68WA
Lord Laird

asked Her Majesty's Government:

How much has been spent by Waterways Ireland in each year since 2000 on capital and maintenance works on (a) the Union; (b) the Royal; and (c) the Grand Canals. [HL4108]

Baroness Amos

The capital and maintenance expenditure for the Royal Canal and the Grand Canal for each year since 2000 is as follows:

There has been consultation with senior managers on the business plans and with the body's sponsor departments and the Departments of Finance north and south on both the corporate and business plans.

Waterways Ireland has ongoing dialogue with its stakeholders which informs the business and corporate planning process.

Waterways Ireland also consulted a wide range of user groups and individuals on its marketing and promotion strategy, aspects of which are contained in the current business and corporate plans. Consultees are listed in the Waterways Ireland marketing and promotion strategy document and a copy is available in the Library of the House.