HL Deb 17 November 2004 vol 666 c175WA
Lord Judd

asked Her Majesty's Government:

What priority they give to out-of-classroom learning experiences, including outdoor activities; how they are responding to issues of risk assessment in this context; what resources they plan to make available for such experiences; and what arrangements they are making to enhance the professional development of teachers in this sphere; and [HL4910]

What plans they have to raise the level of public awareness of the role of out-of-classroom learning experiences in education. [HL4911]

Lord Filkin

We consider out-of-classroom learning experiences to be one of a number of very valuable ways of delivering the requirements of the curriculum. We are engaging with teaching unions as well as our own network of LEA outdoor education advisers and educational visits co-ordinators in schools to respond to the issue of risk assessment. We are also funding continuing professional development courses to raise teachers' confidence in this sphere. We do not propose to make extra or ring-fenced funding available for such experiences but believe that increased overall funding and longer-term budgets for schools will make them even better placed to plan according to local needs. The Secretary of State and his Ministers have spoken publicly many times of the importance and benefits of out-of-classroom learning experiences.