HC Deb 18 May 2004 vol 421 c943W
Mrs. Iris Robinson

To ask the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland how many nurses from overseas were working for the NHS in Northern Ireland on the latest date for which figures are available. [173742]

Angela Smith

Overseas nurses are employed both within the private sector and the HPSS in Northern Ireland but information is only held in respect of HPSS employees. As at 31 March 2004, the total number of overseas nurses employed within health and social services trusts in Northern Ireland was 779. Figures are detailed by trust in the following table.

HSS1 trust Number
Altnagelvin Group HSS Trust 30
Armagh and Dungannon HSS Trust 0
Belfast City Hospital HSS Trust 59
Causeway HSS Trust 14
Craigavon and Banbridge Community HSS Trust 0
Craigavon Area Hospital HSS Trust 50
Down Lisburn HSS Trust 55
Foyle Community HSS Trust 1
Greenpark Healthcare HSS Trust 67
Homefirst Community HSS Trust 20
Mater Infirmorum Hospital HSS Trust 54
Newry and Mourne HSS Trust 4
North and West Belfast HSS Trust 0
Royal Group of Hospitals HSS Trust 228
South and East Belfast HSS Trust 0
Sperrin Lakeland HSS Trust 38
Ulster Community and Hospitals Group HSS Trust 114
United Hospitals Group HSS Trust 45
Total 779
1 Health and Social Services.

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