§ Rob MarrisTo ask the Secretary of State for Education and Skills whether it is his policy for per capita funding for 16 to 18 years old students attending further education colleges to be the same as that for 16 to 18 year old pupils attending state schools; and if he will make a statement. [169471]
§ Alan JohnsonThe government has set out its investment plans for 2003–04 to 2005–06 to support its Success for All strategy to reform further education and training. These plans enable the Learning and Skills Council to increase funding for further education significantly. For the academic year 2003–04, core624W funding rates per qualification increased by 3 per cent. for school sixth forms and 4.5 per cent. for further education colleges (setting aside the impact on rates of changes to targeted funds for pay and staff training and teachers' pension funding). Our expenditure plans to 2005–06 should see that trend continue.