HC Deb 11 May 2004 vol 421 cc231-2W
Mrs. Curtis-Thomas

To ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many racial incidents were reported by prisoners during(a) 2002 and (b) 2003; and what assessment he has made of the thoroughness and effectiveness of the subsequent investigations. [155252]

Paul Goggins

For the period 2002–03, 5,089 racist complaints were recorded across all establishments (excluding the results of 14 women's prisons and Wormwood Scrubs where information was not available within the time scale of this question), of which 1,360 (26 per cent.) were substantiated.

The substantiated complaints are broken down as follows:

  • Staff on Prisoner complaints (277 substantiated)
  • Prisoner on Prisoner complaints (666 substantiated)
  • Prisoner on Staff complaints (384 substantiated)
  • Staff on Staff complaints (33 substantiated).

These figures are based on the recorded incidents logged by all establishments but further individual breakdown is not available.

The responsibility of ensuring that investigations are carried out effectively rests with the Governing Governor of each establishment, or the Head of Group for Headquarters units. As part of their responsibilities the Race Relations Management Teams in each establishment, are involved in monitoring the investigations of racist complaints and their outcomes. The training for those carrying out incident investigations has been adapted to include specific details on how to deal with a race related complaint.

The outcomes of these investigations range from extra training, disciplinary action, adjudication punishments for prisoners and, for five members of staff within this period, dismissal.

It has been recognised in the joint Prison Service/CRE Race Equality Action Plan that further improvements need to be made with regard to the quality and thoroughness of the investigations of racial incidents and complaints.

Consideration is currently been given to how independent/external agencies might provide some assessment of thoroughness in the handling of racial incidents. The formalisation of all racial incidents is also being looked at to ensure all issues are dealt with in establishments. There is also work being carried out to overhaul the current Racial Incident Reporting process.